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Vorlage:Short description Vorlage:Infobox criminal

Joseph Arridy ([[IPA|[ˈærɪdi]]]; * 29. April 1912; † 6. Januar 1939)[1][2] war ein unschuldig zum Tode verurteilter und anschließend hingerichteter US-amerikanischer vermeintlicher Sexualstraftäter. Er soll 1936 die 15-jährige Dorothy Drain in Pueblo (Colorado) vergewaltigt und ermordet haben. Arridy wurde von der Polizei aufgrund seiner geistigen Behinderung zu einem falschen Geständnis manipuliert und war zum Zeitpunkt seiner Hinrichtung gerade 23 Jahre alt.

Schon früh waren viele Menschen von Arridys Unschuld überzeugt. Es bildete sich eine Gruppe mit den Namen Friends of Joe Arridy. Diese veranlasste 2007 die Errichtung eines Grabsteins auf seinem Grab. Sie erreichten ebenso eine Wiederaufrollung des Falls unter dem District Attorney David A. Martinez aus Denver, um eine staatliche Entschuldigung für die fälschliche Hinrichtung zu erwirken. Ein anderer Mann, Frank Aguilar, wurde zwei Jahre vor Arridys Hinrichtung für dieselbe Tat verurteilt und hingerichtet.[3]

2011 wurde Arridy von Bill Ritter, dem Gouverneur von Colorado posthum freigesprochen, und es wurde 72 Jahre nach seinem Tod eine bedingungslose Entschuldigung ausgesprochen. Ritter, der selbst einst Disctrict Attorney in Denver war, stellte dabei vor allem eine nachweisbare Schuld Arridys in Frage und bezog sich auf dessen falsches Geständnis[3][4][5] Dies war das erste Mal in der Geschichte von Colorado, dass ein Gouverneur nachträglich hinsichtlich einer fälschlichen Hinrichtung um Entschuldigung bat.

Kindheit und Jugend Bearbeiten

Arridy wurde 1915 in Pueblo (Colorado) als ältestes Kind von Mary und Henry Arridy, die kürzlich aus Syrien (damals Teil des Osmanischen Reiches), geboren. Seine Eltern waren auf der Suche nach Arbeit und sprachen kein Wort Englisch; zudem waren sie Cousins ersten Grades.[6] Henry nahm einen Job im örtlichen Stahlwerk an.[2]

In seinen ersten Lebensjahren sprach Arridy kaum. Nach einem Jahr auf der Elementary School meinte der Schulleiter, die Eltern sollen nach Hause nehmen, da ihr Sohn lernunfähig sei. Ein paar Jahre später verlor der Vater den Job, sodass er Freude um Hilfe für einen Platz für seinen behinderten Sohn bat. So kam Arridy mit zehn Jahren in die State Home and Training School for Mental Defectives in Grand Junction (Colorado), wo er elf Jahre lang lebte und zum Erwachsenen heranwuchs. Examiners at the home also had Arridy's family undergo several psychological tests and concluded that his mother Mary was "probably feeble-minded" and his younger brother George considered a "high moron".[6] Both in his neighborhood and at the school, he was often mistreated and beaten by his peers. In 1929, while living back in Pueblo, Arridy was sexually assaulted by a group of teen boys, who forced him to perform oral sex on them, leading to his recommittal.[6] He left the school and hopped on freight railcars to leave the city, ending up at the age of 21 in the railyards of Cheyenne, Wyoming, by late August 1936.[1]

Verbrechen, Verurteilung und Hinrichtung Bearbeiten

Am 14. August 1936 wurden zwei Mädchen aus der Drain-Familie im Schlaf in ihrem Zuhause in Pueblo, Colorado, angegriffen. Beide, die 15-jährige Dorothy Drain und ihre 12-jährige Schwester Barbara wurden von einem unbekannten Eindringling mit einer Klingenwaffe, wahrscheinlich einem Beil, niedergeknüppelt. Dorothy wurde ebenfalls vergewaltigt. Sie starb durch die Attacke, während ihre jüngere Schwester überlebte.[3]

Arridy wurde knapp zwei Wochen später am 26. August 1936 zufällig in Cheyenne (Wyoming) verhaftet, weil er illegal auf Bahngleisen entlang wanderte. George Carroll, der Sheriff des Laramie County hatte kurz zuvor eine großflächige Suchaktion nach dem Mörder im Verbrechen an den Drain-Geschwistern gestartet. Als Arridy im Verhör berichtete, dass er per Zug zunächst durch Pueblo gereist und in way of a train after leaving Grand Junction (Colorado) ausgestiegen war, begann Carroll ihm Fragen zum Drain-Fall zu stellen. Carroll sagte, Arridy habe die Tat gestanden.[7]

Als Carroll Polizeichef Arthur Gandy aus Pueblo über Arridy berichtete, erklärte dieser ihm, man habe bereits einen Hauptverdächtigen verhaftet: Frank Aguilar, einen Arbeiter der Works Progress Administration aus Mexico.[8] Aguilar hatte für den Vater der Drain-Schwestern gearbeitet und war kurz vor dem Verbrechen gefeuert worden. In seinen Haus war eine Axt gefunden worden.[7] Sheriff Carroll meinte , dass Arridy ihm mehrfach geschildert hab "mit einem Mann namens Frank" am Tatort gewesen zu sein.[7] Aguilar gestand später die Tat ebenfalls und erklärte, Arridy niemals gesehen oder gesprochen zu haben. Er wurde für die Vergewaltigung und Ermordung an Dorothy Drain schließlich zum Tode verurteilt und am 13. August 1937 im Colorado State Penitentiary hingerichtet.[3][9]

Nachdem man ihn nach Pueblo gebracht hatte, gestand Arridy die Tat abermals.[10]

When the case was finally taken to trial, Arridy's lawyer pleaded insanity to spare his client's life. Arridy was ruled to be sane, while acknowledged by three state psychiatrists to be so mentally limited as to be classified as an "imbecile", a medical term at the time. They said he had an IQ of 46, and the mind of a six-year-old.[7] They noted he was "incapable of distinguishing between right and wrong, and therefore, would be unable to perform any action with a criminal intent".[1][2]

Arridy was convicted, largely due to his false confession.[7] Studies since then have shown that persons of limited mental capacity are more vulnerable to coercion during interrogation and have a higher frequency of making false confessions. There was no physical evidence against him. Barbara Drain had testified that Aguilar had been present at the attack, but not Arridy. She could identify Aguilar because he had worked for her father.

Appeals Bearbeiten

Attorney Gail L. Ireland, who later was elected and served as Colorado Attorney General and Colorado Water Commissioner, became involved as defense counsel in Arridy's case after his conviction and sentencing. While Ireland won several delays of Arridy's execution, he was unable to get his conviction overturned or commutation of his sentence. He noted that Aguilar had said he acted alone, and medical experts had testified as to Arridy's mental limitations. Ireland said that Arridy could not even understand what execution meant. "Believe me when I say that if he is gassed, it will take a long time for the state of Colorado to live down the disgrace," Ireland argued to the Colorado Supreme Court.[7] Arridy received nine stays of execution as appeals and petitions on his behalf were mounted.[9]

Execution Bearbeiten

While held on death row during the appeals process, Arridy often played with a toy train,[11] given to him by prison warden Roy Best. The warden said that Arridy was "the happiest prisoner on death row".[9] He was liked and treated well by both the prisoners and guards alike.[1] Best became one of Arridy's supporters and joined the effort to save his life; he was said to have "cared for Arridy like a son", regularly bringing him gifts.[7][1] Before Arridy's execution, he said, "He probably didn't even know he was about to die, all he did was happily sit and play with a toy train I had given him."[1]

For his last meal, Arridy requested ice cream. When questioned about his impending execution, he showed "blank bewilderment".[9] He did not understand the meaning of the gas chamber, telling the warden "No, no, Joe won't die."[12] Before being taken away to the chamber, Arridy reportedly had not finished his ice cream and requested for the remaining ice cream to be refrigerated so he could eat it later, not understanding that he was to be executed soon and would not return. He was reported to have smiled while being taken to the gas chamber. Momentarily nervous, he calmed down when the warden grabbed his hand and reassured him.[9][13] Members of the victim's family did not witness the execution.[1] Roy Best was noted to have been crying during the execution, with him pleading with Teller Ammons, the Governor of Colorado, to commute Arridy's sentence before the execution.[14] Ammons refused to commute Arridy's sentence or to pardon him.

2011 posthumous pardon Bearbeiten

Arridy's case is one of a number that received new attention in the face of research into ensuring just interrogations and confessions. In addition, the US Supreme Court ruled that capital punishment was unconstitutional for convicted people who are mentally disabled. A group of supporters formed the non-profit Friends of Joe Arridy and worked to bring new recognition to the injustice of his case, in addition to commissioning a tombstone for his grave in 2007.

Attorney David A. Martinez became involved and relied on Robert Perske's book about Arridy's case, as well as other materials compiled by the Friends, and his own research, to prepare a 400-page petition for pardon from Governor Bill Ritter, a former district attorney in Denver. Based on the evidence and other reviews, Ritter gave Arridy a full and unconditional pardon in 2011, saying "Pardoning Joe Arridy cannot undo this tragic event in Colorado history, it is in the interests of justice and simple decency, however, to restore his good name."[3][4][15]

Legacy Bearbeiten

In June 2007 about 50 supporters of Arridy gathered for the dedication of a tombstone they had commissioned for his grave at Woodpecker Hill in Cañon City's Greenwood Cemetery near the state prison.[7]

Representation in other media Bearbeiten

  • Arridy was the subject of a 1944 poem, "The Clinic", by writer Marguerite Young.[7]
  • Robert Perske wrote Deadly Innocence? (1964/reprint 1995) about Arridy's case after conducting research on it and similar cases for years. He had tracked down the author of the 1944 poem before Young's death.[7] His book also explores other cases in which defendants were classified as disabled, and implications for police and the justice system.[14]
  • In 2007–2008 producers Max and Micheline Keller, George Edde, and Yvonne Karouni, and Dan Leonetti, screenwriter, announced plans to make a film about Arridy and Gail Ireland, to be called The Woodpecker Waltz.[7] Leonetti won a New York screenwriting award for his screenplay, which attracted attention by producers.
  • Terri Bradt wrote a biography of her grandfather, Gail Ireland: Colorado Citizen Lawyer (2011).[16] She was proud of his defense of Arridy, and began to work with the Friends of Joe Arridy on making his cause more widely known.

Siehe auch Bearbeiten

Einzelnachweise Bearbeiten

  1. a b c d e f g Begging Joe's pardon, 5280, October 2008. Abgerufen im 8 January 2011 
  2. a b c Rob Warden: Arridy. Archiviert vom Original am 31. Juli 2012; abgerufen am 9. Januar 2011: „With the mind of a six-year-old, Joe went to the gas chamber, smiling“
  3. a b c d e Keith Coffman: Colorado governor pardons man executed for murder in 1939. In: Reuters. 2. Januar 2011, abgerufen am 18. Juli 2019.
  4. a b Disabled man executed in 1939 pardoned in Colorado, Miami Herald. Abgerufen im 8 January 2011 
  5. Peter Strescino: Governor pardons Joe Arridy (Memento des Originals vom January 10, 2011 im Internet Archive) In: Pueblo Chieftain, January 7, 2011. Abgerufen im 9 January 2011 
  6. a b c Joe Arridy was the happiest man on death row.
  7. a b c d e f g h i j k Sorry, Joe. In: Colorado Springs Independent. 7. Juni 2007 .
  8. Aguilar Says He Murdered Drain Child, September 3, 1936, S. 1 
  9. a b c d e 'Happiest Man' in death cell dies in chair In: St. Petersburg Times, Jan 7, 1939. Abgerufen im 10 January 2011 
  10. {{{titel}}}.
  11. James Moore: Murder by Numbers – Fascinating Figures Behind The World's Worst Crimes. History Press, 2018, ISBN 978-0-7509-8145-3, S. 68.
  12. Condemned Prisoner to give train to another slayer In: Reading Eagle, Jan 5, 1939. Abgerufen im 10 January 2011 
  13. Dianna Andersen: Joe Arridy. Canon City Public Library, archiviert vom Original am 13. März 2011; abgerufen am 9. Januar 2011.
  14. a b Robert Perske, Deadly Innocence?, Abingdon Press, paperback, 1995
  15. John Kuroski: He Had An IQ Of 46 And Was Executed After Police Coerced A Confession For A Murder He Didn't Commit. In: All That's Interesting. 26. Juli 2018, abgerufen am 30. Juli 2021 (amerikanisches Englisch).
  16. Terri Bradt,'75; Gail Ireland: Colorado Citizen Lawyer, Bulletin, December 2012, Colorado College

{{SORTIERUNG:Arridy, Joseph}} [[Kategorie:Geboren 1915]] [[Kategorie:Gestorben 1939]] [[Kategorie:Syrischer Emigrant in den USA]] [Kategorie:US-Amerikaner mit Behinderung]] [[Kategorie:Hingerichtete US-Amerikaner]] [[Kategorie:US-Amerikaner]] [[Kategorie:Mann]]