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Lutheraner (Diskussion) 15:29, 23. Sep. 2022 (CEST)Beantworten

Dear Lutheraner,
I am taking you at your word that you have advanced English. My German is very poor. It will be better for me to write to you in English than to put everything into German through Deepl, because I do not have the faintest idea whether what Deepl produces is a reasonable approximation of what I was intending. I am very sorry about all of this.
Thank you for your kind welcome and offer of help. As you may have seen, I do have considerable experience in contributing to English Wikipedia. I may well need your help navigating the reefs and shoals of German Wikipedia. I have already learned that at least one thing I have learned to do in English Wikipedia I cannot seem to do in German Wikipedia (in-text interlanguage links).
As to my first article, Anneros Meischner-Metge, I hope you now agree that it is of a reasonable standard to be going on with and that you (or I) can delete the tags at the beginning of the article. Please let me know. --Robert P. O'Shea (Diskussion) 23:29, 24. Sep. 2022 (CEST)Beantworten