

Herzlich willkommen in der Wikipedia, Bjørn G. Eriksen!


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Einen guten Start wünscht dir 16:31, 9. Jul. 2016 (CEST) Hi Bjørn, I agree the Galtung article is biased and the discussion has shown it is intentional biased (so a more sophisticated description will be blocked at least by some). Nonetheless it is good that a person at least revealed some problems in the article, thanks. -- 16:31, 9. Jul. 2016 (CEST)Beantworten

Johan Galtung


Hallo Bjørn,

wie du vielleicht gesehen hast, habe ich die unbelegten Hetzpassagen gegen Galtung entfernt und die "Affäre" um den Antisemitismusvorwurf versucht, neutraler zu gestalten.

Leider verstehe ich kaum Norwegisch und kann auch die Medienlandschaft nicht einordnen oder beurteilen.

Wie seriös ist Aftenposten?

Und könntest du vielleicht deine Ergänzung erläutern? Das ergibt für mich irgendwie keinen Sinn. Jemand beschuldigt Galtung des Antisemitismus und dieser Jemand wird von Aftenposten als rechtsextrem und antisemitisch eingeschätzt? Und eine israelische Zeitung beruft sich auf diesen angeblichen Antisemiten, um Galtungs antisemitische Tendenzen zu "belegen" - Habe ich das so richtig verstanden?

Könntest du den Artikel netterweise ins Englische oder Deutsche übersetzen, damit ich mir selbst ein Bild machen kann?! Vorher kann ich deine Änderungen auch gar nicht sichten.

Vielen Dank für deine Arbeit und einen schönen Abend wünscht dir --BlaueWunder 21:49, 9. Apr. 2017 (CEST)Beantworten

Please forgive me for replying in English. Aftenposten is Norway's largest newspaper and its main quality newspaper, considered to be generally comparable to FAZ, and historically aligned with Høyre (the sister party of the CDU), but nowadays generally centrist. Aftenposten (in its editorial, i.e. expressing the views of the newspaper) didn't describe Gerstenfeld as anti-semitic, but as part of the Israeli far-right and as a fanatic.
Manfred Gerstenfeld is very well known in Norway after he accused virtually all high-ranking members of the Norwegian Labour Party, the government, the King of Norway and so on of being "anti-semites." He also claimed that "Norwegians are a barbaric and unintelligent people", a blatantly racist statement against Norwegians. Furthermore, he writes for an anti-immigrant/anti-Muslim far-right blog based in Norway that is best known for having inspired Anders Behring Breivik (a "a website rife with anti-Muslim and hard right rhetoric" as the Financial Times puts it). In Norway Gerstenfeld is considered a far-right extremist who lacks any seriousness by everyone, including the Norwegian Jewish community, the Holocaust Research Centre, established Norwegian scholars of anti-semitism etc. Gerstenfeld doesn't understand Norwegian and his views about Norway are considered ludicrous and unworthy of serious attention by everyone who has a remote knowledge of Scandinavia, and the Norwegian Jewish community has expressed shock in Norwegian media about Gerstenfeld's false and extreme claims in Israeli newspapers about Norway. Gerstenfeld is involved with far-right pro-settler activism within Israel.
Galtung (whose son lives in Israel and whose daughter-in-law is Jewish) has indeed made some unfortunate, vaguely worded comments in his old age as he nears 90, and he has been criticized by several people in Norway for those comments (few people believe him to be genuinely anti-Jewish, but most people agreed that he has become old and that those comments were unfortunate), but the same people who criticized Galtung of those comments also consider Gerstenfeld a disreputable Israeli far-right extremist, and it's important to remember that Gerstenfeld didn't just accuse Galtung of anti-semitism, but basically everyone in government, academia and so on in Norway. So in the debate about Galtung's unfortunate comments, Gerstenfeld is not considered a serious participant and more a liability by those who criticize Galtung, due to Gerstenfeld other claims about Norway and Norwegians. --Bjørn G. Eriksen (Diskussion) 21:46, 10. Apr. 2017 (CEST)Beantworten
Thanks a lot for your detailed answer in English. Then Gerstenfeld seems to be far from trustworthy, as well as the Israeli paper. If Galtungs insensitive remarks were a matter of old age stubbornness and thoughtlessness, the whole affair "antisemitism" should be shortened considerabely. Sadly, I wonT find the time, so why don't you...? --BlaueWunder 23:13, 10. Apr. 2017 (CEST)Beantworten
I do indeed agree that that the section is blown out of proportion and that it's mostly a case of somewhat thoughtless (and vague) remarks by a man in his 80s who has a long history of being controversial and who is used to express himself provocatively, and when taking his entire career into consideration, a minor incident that at most deserves a one-sentence mention, but I brought up this matter (when this issue even dominated the lead section) on the talk page last year without receiving much support, so I prefer to leave any significant changes/reductions to German editors. --Bjørn G. Eriksen (Diskussion) 23:45, 10. Apr. 2017 (CEST)Beantworten