Sichtersystem ist praktisch

1. Ist bestens gegen (auch fahrlässigen) Vandalismus; bezieht Viele ein. 2. Fachkompetenz contra Laienwissen = normales, unlösbares Problem, hat jede Gesellschaft allein schon in Form der "herrschenden" (meist Laien-) Politiker 18:59, 24. Jan. 2009 (CET)

Kollektivismus; Neuer/Digitaler Sozialismus

Wikipedia is just one remarkable example of an emerging collectivism … We're not talking about your grandfather's socialism. In fact, there is a long list of past movements this new socialism is not. It is not class warfare. It is not anti-American; indeed, digital socialism may be the newest American innovation. While old-school socialism was an arm of the state, digital socialism is socialism without the state. This new brand of socialism currently operates in the realm of culture and economics, rather than government—for now. … When masses of people who own the means of production work toward a common goal and share their products in common, when they contribute labor without wages and enjoy the fruits free of charge, it's not unreasonable to call that socialism.

Bei der Entwicklung des Kollektivismus würden sich unterschiedliche Stufen ausmachen lassen, die sich durch die steigernde die Koordination unterscheiden. (1) Zuerst einfach Sharing, das generieren und verteilen von Inhalten, (2) folgend die lose ad-hoc Kooperation beim generieren und verteilen von Inhalten (3) andauernde Kollaboration beim generieren und verteilen von Inhalten, (4) endlich kollektive Generierung und Verteilung von Inhalten. „The aim of a collective … is to engineer a system where self-directed peers take responsibility for critical processes and where difficult decisions, such as sorting out priorities, are decided by all participants.“

Of course, there's nothing particularly socialistic about collaboration per se. But the tools of online collaboration support a communal style of production that shuns capitalistic investors and keeps ownership in the hands of the workers, and to some extent those of the consuming masses. … Wikipedia is not a bastion of equality, but it is vastly more collectivist than the Encyclopædia Britannica.

Artikel lesen:

Kevin Kelly: The New Socialism: Global Collectivist Society Is Coming Online,

Siehe auch Gregor Kucera: Die Zeit ist reif für den neuen Sozialismus,

--Tets 15:58, 27. Mai 2009 (CEST)