

Warum steht auf einem 50-Kronen-Schein (von 1986) "Noregs Bank" und auf einem 100er "Norges Bank" drauf? Druckfehler? (nicht signierter Beitrag von (Diskussion) 13:55, 1. Nov. 2014 (CET))Beantworten

Wohl Wechsel von Nynorsk ( → nn:Noregs Bank) zu Bokmål ( → no:Norges Bank) oder eher umgekehrt. --Lars 21:39, 1. Nov. 2014 (CET)Beantworten

2020, chief of the bank and controversy regarding NBIM ("Olje-fondet")

  • chief of the bank, Øystein Olsen, has hired,
  • Nicolai Tangen, as chief of NBIM ("olje-fondet"). Tangen has not had his first day at work: there is a hearing in parliament that starts on August 9;
    Olsen and/ or Tangen could lose their jobs soon.

Media wrote:

"... in March [Tangen said] that he would cut all ties to Aco. That did not happen. [...]. If the majority in parliament, formulate a demand regarding eliminating risk [not only reducing risk], then the finance minister has no choice but to follow up". August 15.
Quelle: [14]. Editorial in Klassekampen, by Mari Skurdal. 08:44, 17. Aug. 2020 (CEST)Beantworten