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Britische Außenminister

Liste der britischen Außenminister
Charles James Fox
Thomas Robinson, 2. Baron Grantham
George Nugent-Temple-Grenville, 1. Marquess of Buckingham
Francis Osborne, 5. Duke of Leeds
William Wyndham Grenville, 1. Baron Grenville
Robert Banks Jenkinson, 2. Earl of Liverpool
Dudley Ryder, 1. Earl of Harrowby
Henry Phipps, 1. Earl of Mulgrave
Charles Grey, 2. Earl Grey
George Canning
Henry Bathurst, 3. Earl Bathurst
Richard Colley-Wellesley, 1. Marquess Wellesley
Robert Stewart, 2. Marquess of Londonderry
John William Ward, 1. Earl of Dudley
George Hamilton-Gordon, 4. Earl of Aberdeen
Henry John Temple, 3. Viscount Palmerston
Arthur Wellesley, 1. Duke of Wellington
Granville George Leveson-Gower, 2. Earl Granville
James Howard Harris, 3. Earl of Malmesbury
George Villiers, 4. Earl of Clarendon
John Russell, 1. Earl Russell
Edward Henry Stanley, 15. Earl of Derby
Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 3. Marquess of Salisbury
Archibald Philip Primrose, 5. Earl of Rosebery
Stafford Northcote, 1. Earl of Iddesleigh
John Wodehouse, 1. Earl of Kimberley
Henry Petty-FitzMaurice, 5. Marquess of Lansdowne
Edward Grey
Arthur James Balfour, 1. Earl of Balfour
George Curzon, 1. Marquess Curzon of Kedleston
Ramsay MacDonald
Austen Chamberlain
Arthur Henderson
Rufus Isaacs, 1. Marquess of Reading
John Allsebrook Simon, 1. Viscount Simon
Samuel Hoare, 1. Viscount Templewood
Anthony Eden
Edward Frederick Lindley Wood, 1. Earl of Halifax
Ernest Bevin
Herbert Stanley Morrison
Harold Macmillan
Selwyn Lloyd
Alec Douglas-Home
Rab Butler
Patrick Gordon Walker
Michael Stewart (Politiker)
George Brown (Politiker)
James Callaghan
Anthony Crosland
David Owen (Politiker)
Peter Carington, 6. Baron Carrington
Francis Pym
Geoffrey Howe
John Major
Douglas Hurd
Malcolm Rifkind
Robin Cook (Politiker)
Jack Straw
Margaret Beckett
David Miliband
William Hague