Kasem Hoxha was born on 12 August 1968 in Tirana, the capital of Albania. During that time, the Albanian people was suffering from the dictatorship of the communist tyrant Enver Hoxha, who led the country into bankruptcy and didn't tolerate any influence from other countries. The population feared his cruel methods such as death sentences without previous trials, torture and prison. Under his rule, Kasem Hoxha grew up in deep poverty as one of five children.

Because of family reasons Kasem spent his childhood between the age of four and six with his grandparents in the mountains and only came back home when he had to start school. At the age of 16, he went to grammar school.

It was this time that he began to look critically into the political situation in his country and his longing for freedom started.

As Kasems father died from lung cancer at an early age, the family had to stick together even more in order to survive. Love and active participation in acting gave Kasem the strength to master this hard life.

In 1988, Kasem did his military service in the most northern part of Albania within the mountains. Here, each of the soldier's will and motivation were decisive in surviving these hard times. The rough rule along with lack of food and poor medical provision, inadequate clothing against the cold, snow and rain in winter and the hotness in summer were detrimental to any but the strongest of the men. Those who deserted were sentenced to death. Kasem was excellent at sending messages in Morse code and telegraphing. For this reason, he was sent to do a job in telegraphing.

After the military service in 1990, Kasem joined a protest group, whose members planned to flee from Albania. Encouraged by the revolts and uprisings in Eastern Europe, which were directed against the communist regimes, the group decided - along with other refugees - to try to reach the German embassy in Albania. Kasem had to leave his family and friends behind without being able to say good-bye. It was against all odds that he was able to succeed and get to the embassy. There, thousands of refugees were squashed and awaiting their fate under extreme conditions. Finally, the Albanian fighters for freedom were rescued by the NATO, taken out of Albania and sent to a number of other countries. This way, Kasem came to Aschaffenburg in Germany in 1990 and stepped into an entirely new world. Although he didn't speak a word of German, he tried to find a job and got his first employment with a company producing paper, where he soon developed his skills and was promoted to a more senior position. In 1993, he met his girlfriend. She and her family welcomed him heartily and encouraged him in his development. He then trained to become a dental technician and finally he started a career as an actor.

From 1998 to 2002, Kasem studied acting at the Actor's Company Aschaffenburg and did a number of further qualifications until 2005, among them the Method Acting, Sens Memory (Strasberg / Hagen) with John Costopoulos, Actor's Studio N.Y.; Acting according to Uta Hagen (state of the art) in Frankfurt; The Sage Experience, experiencing the inner truth, acting in front of a camera and trainings for actors, Camera Acting in Cologne. Along his activities as an actor, Kasem Hoxha is also occupied as an entrepreneur.

Professor T


Lieber Brodkey65, Ich habe für die Folge „Christina“ Staffel 4, als Darsteller Names „Timmo Jacobs“ mitgewirkt! Ich verstehe es nicht, warum Sie meine Bearbeitung rückgängig gemacht haben?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen K.Hoxha Kasem Hoxha (Diskussion) 21:59, 10. Jan. 2021 (CET)Beantworten

Wieso soll der Angesprochene hier mitbekommen, dass du ihn ansprichst? Sprich ihn besser auf seiner Benutzerdiskussionsseite an. --Joschi71 (Diskussion) 22:48, 10. Jan. 2021 (CET)Beantworten

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Vielen Dank für Deine Mitarbeit und freundliche Grüße --Joschi71 (Diskussion) 23:01, 10. Jan. 2021 (CET)Beantworten

erledigtErledigt – --Sebastian Wallroth (Diskussion) 11:20, 11. Jan. 2021 (CET)Beantworten