Benutzer:Doktor Ring Ding/José Manuel de Goyeneche, 1st Count of Guaqui

Lieutenant General José Manuel de Goyeneche, Count of Guaqui. Portrait by Federico de Madrazo

José Manuel de Goyeneche y Barreda, 1st Count of Guaqui, Granden, (Arequipa, Viceroyalty of Peru, 12. Juni 1776 in Madrid † 10. Oktober 1846) war ein spanischer Militär und Diplomat.

Sein Vater Juan de Goyeneche y Aguerrevere war Hauptmann der Kavallerie, seine Mutter María Josefa de Barreda y Benavides, Tochter des Feldmarschalls Don Nicolás de Barreda y Ovando, stammt von einer Aristokraten- bzw. Militärfamilie (Conquistadores). Er reiste in frühen Jahren für Studienzwecke nach Spanien, danach trat er als Kadett dem spanischen Militär bei. Hier wurde er Leutnant der Kavallerie und Hauptmann der Grenadiere. Er nahm an der Verteidigung der Stadt Cádiz durch die Britische Armee in zwei Fällen teil; hierbei hatte er beim ersten Einsatz das Kommando über Hundert Grenadiere und beim zweiten das Kommando über zwei Artilleriebatterien.

Repräsentant an der Supreme Junta


Im Jahr 1808, während der französischen Invasion in die iberische Halbinsel, he was commissioned as representative of the legitimate government of Spain to the Supreme Junta in Sevilla with the rank of brigadier, for the proclamation of king Ferdinand VII in the viceroyalties of Peru and River Plate, to ensure the fidelity and compliance of those colonies to the legitimate Spanish king, take the news of the general revolt against French invasion of Spain and ask of help from the colonies. His powers were vast, including firing and incarcerating anybody in public office (including viceroys) who manifested any opposission to Ferdinand VII, legitimate König von Spainen.

Krieg in Oberperu


He travelled to Peru, where viceroy Abascal named him Captain General and president of the Real Audiencia of Cusco. In 1809 he took command of the Peruvian royalist armies in Upper Peru, sent to suppress the revolutionary forces at La Paz, even though this province belonged the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata. He defeated those forces and ordered the execution of a dozen of their leaders, then returned to Cusco.

After receiving news of the Mai-Revolution in Buenos Aires, Viceroy Abascal announced the incorporation of Upper Peru (present-day Bolivia) to the Viceroyalty of Peru. General Goyeneche organized new forces, but did not advanced South until after the Battle of Suipacha, which left the region under control of the revolutionaries. In May 1811 he signed an armistice with the political leader of the independentist army Juan José Castelli, even though events betrayed that neither one was intending to abide by it. Castelli deployed part of his troops to try to surround Goyeneche's forces but Goyeneche employed his time better and attacked first. The ensuing battle of Huaqui on June 20th, 1811 was a decisive victory for Goyeneche.

In a few weeks afterwards he occupied the whole of Upper Peru, including the cities of La Paz, Cochabamba, Chuquisaca and Potosí, re-establishing Spanish control over the territory. His decisive victory at the Battle of Huaqui earned him the title of Count of Guaqui.

The rebellion at Cochabamba took a year to suppress which delayed his invasion of the Salta Province, in present-day northern Argentina. After defeating the tough resistance of the Cochabamba locas, including women fighters he entered the city and repressed the rebel with severity which cost the lives of dozens of men, women and children.

Im Jahr 1813 verdrängte General Pío de Tristán, unter der Order von Goyeneche, dass die Armee des River Plate South in argentinisches Territorium. Tristán attacked the Belgrano's Army of the North and was defeated at the Battle of Tucumán. A few months later, Tristán defeated again at the Battle of Salta, falling prisoner along with his whole army. Goyeneche's armies were left unprotected in their southern flank, which forced him to retreat towards Oruro. Goyeneche resigned as commander in chief and was substituted by Joaquín de la Pezuela, returning to Spain shortly afterwards.

Rückkehr nach Spanien


Upon returning to Spain, he was named Lieutenant General of the Royal Armies, member of the Junta for the Wars in the Indies, member of the War Council and president of the Junta for Overseas Commerce. He was also elected as deputy to the Cortes for Arequipa and senator of the realm for the Province of Canarias. King Ferdinand made him a peer, and also Knight of the Military Order of Santiago.

Category:Geboren 1776 Category:Gestorben 1846 Category:Geschichte Perus Category:Arequipa Category:Militärperson (Spanien) Category:Diplomat Category:Mann