Far Cry 2
Datei:FC2 logo.jpg
Entwickler Ubisoft Montreal
Publisher Ubisoft
Veröffentlichung 21. Oktober 2008 (Nordamerika)
23. Oktober 2008 (Australien, EU)
Plattform Microsoft Windows, Playstation 3, Xbox 360
Spiel-Engine Dunia Engine, Havok
Genre Action, Ego-Shooter
Spielmodus Einzel- und Mehrspieler
Windows XP SP2/Vista
Pentium 4 3.2 GHz, Pentium D 2.66 Ghz, AMD Athlon 64 3500+ oder besser
Grafikkarte: NVidia 6800 oder ATI X1650 oder besser; (Pixel Shader 3.0 notwendig)
Medium Blu-Ray, DVD, Steam
Sprache Englisch
USK ab 18
USK ab 18
PEGI ab 18+ Jahren empfohlen
PEGI ab 18+ Jahren empfohlen

Far Cry 2 ist ein Videospiel, welches von Ubisoft Montreal entwickelt und von Ubisoft veröffentlicht wurde. Es ist seit dem 21. Oktober 2008 in Nordamerika[1] bzw. dem 23. Oktober 2008 in Europa und Australien[2] erhältlich. Crytek, die Entwickler des Vorgängers Far Cry waren nicht an der Entwicklung des zweiten Teils beteiligt.

Ubisoft vermarktet Far Cry 2 als Nachfolger von Far Cry, obwohl dieser nur noch wenig Ähnlichkeiten mit seinem Vorgänger aufweist. Stattdessen bietet Far Cry 2 neue Charaktere und einen komplett anderen Schauplatz also auch eine Spielweise, die es dem Spieler eine noch größere Freiheit beim Erkunden einer hochrealistischen afrikanischen Landschaft erlaubt. Die Handlung findet in einer fiktiven und von Anarchie und Bürgerkrieg gezeichneten zentralafrikanischen Nation statt. Der Spieler übernimmt die Kontrolle über einen Söldner, dessen Auftrag es ist, den Schakal, einen berüchtigten Waffenhändler zu töten.



Die Handlung ist nichtlinear und führt zu keinem vorbestimmten Spielende, was es dem Spieler erlaubt, sich mit jeder Person, der er während des Spiels begegnet, zu verbünden und verschiedenartige Missionen zu erfüllen, welche wiederum einen unterschiedlichen Spielverlauf nach sich ziehen. Der Spieler hat die Auswahl an einer breiten Palette an Fahrzeugen um sich durch die virtuelle Spielwelt zu bewegen. Darüber hinaus steht es ihm frei zu entscheiden, ob er sich eher unauffällig an seine Missionsziele annähern möchte oder lieber direkt in den Kampf stürzt. Die Spielwelt bietet von der Savanne bis zu Dschungel diverse Umgebungstypen einer typischen afrikanischen Landschaft und erstreckt sich über eine Fläche von 50 Quadratkilometern.

Der Spieler kann durch seine Aktionen nachhaltige Auswirkungen auf die Spielwelt ausüben. Beispielsweise ist es in einer der Missionen der Auftrag an den Spieler, eine Pipeline einer verfeindeten Fraktion zu sabotieren, welche im Austausch für Waffen und Munition Trinkwasser in einen benachbarten Staat leitet. Nach ihrer Zerstörung sind Teile der Umgebung überflutet, inklusive einer anliegenden Mine, in der andernfalls eine weitere Mission stattgefunden hätte.[3]

Ein dynamisches Wettersystem ermöglicht sowohl Tag- und Nachtwechsel als auch verschiedene Witterungsbedingungen wie Stürme und heftige Regenfälle. Die Tageszeit im Spiel hat außerdem Auswirkungen auf das Verhalten der Künstlichen Intelligenz. Beispielsweise sind Gegner in der Nacht aufmerksamer, können den Spieler, sofern er etwaig vorhandene Deckung ausnutzt kaum erkennen, während sie in der Mittagszeit im Schatten Schutz vor der gleißenden Sonne suchen, den Spieler allerdings schon auf weite Entfernung ausmachen können. Eine Minute in Echtzeit entspricht in etwa fünf Spielminuten.

Der Spieler hat Zugang zu einem großen Arsenal an Waffen, einschließlich Pistolen, Maschinenpistolen, Sturmgewehren, Scharfschützengewehren, Panzerfäusten und leichten Maschinengewehren und kann, zusätzlich zu seiner Machete, bis zu drei Waffen (jeweils eine pro Klasse) ständig mitführen. Ein Hauptaspekt des Spieles ist der Verschleiß der Waffen. Sie verschmutzen, neigen mit der Zeit zu Störungen und können gar komplett unbrauchbar werden. Der Spieler kann Waffen und dazugehörige Handbücher, welche eine Steigerung in Präzision und Zuverlässigkeit versprechen, in diversen Waffenläden erwerben. Weitere Modelle können durch das Absolvieren von Waffenhändler-Missionen - beispielsweise Überfälle auf Waffenlieferungen der Konkurrenz - freigeschaltet werden.

Waffentyp Beschreibung
HK MP5 SD Maschinenpistole mit 30 Schuss pro Magazin
AK-47 Sturmgewehr mit 30 Schuss pro Magazin
HK G3 Sturmgewehr mit 20 Schuss pro Magazin
Armalite AR-16 Sturmgewehr mit Drei-Schuss-Funktion und Zielfernrohr
FN Fal Para Sturmgewehr mit 20 Schuss pro Magazin
Homeland 37 Sechsschüssiges Pump-action Schrotgewehr
SPAS-12 12-Schüssiges halbautomatisches Schrotgewehr
USAS-12 12-Schüssiges vollautomatisches Schrotgewehr
Springfield M1903 Fünfschüssiges Repetiergewehr mit Zielfernrohr
Dragunov SVD Zehnschüssiges halbautomatisches Scharfschützengewehr
AS50 Fünfschüssiges halbautomatisches Scharfschützengewehr
MGL-140 Granatwerfer mit Munitionstrommel für vier 40mm Granaten
Makarov PM Achtschüssige halbautomatische Pistole
Makarov 6P9 schallgedämpft Achtschüssige halbautomatische Pistole mit Schalldämpfer
Star .45 Achtschüssige halbautomatische Pistole
Desert Eagle Siebenschüssige halbautomatische Pistole
MAC-10 Maschinenpistole mit 30 Schuss pro Magazin
UZI Maschinenpistole mit 30 Schuss pro Magazin
Signalpistole Signalpistole
M79 Granatwerfer Granatwerfer zum Abfeuern von einzelnen 40mm Granaten
M249 SAW Leichtes Maschinengewehr mit 100 Schuss pro Kasten
PKM Leichtes Maschinengewehr mit 100 Schuss pro Kasten
RPG-7 Leichte Panzerabwehrhandwaffe
Carl Gustav Schwere Panzerfaust
LPO-50 Flammenwerfer
M224 Mörser zum Abfeuern von Mörsergranaten
Pfeilgewehr Gewehr mit Zielfernrohr zum Abfeuern von einzelnen Nervengiftpfeilen
Laffetierte Waffen
M249 Leichtes Maschinengewehr mit unbegrenzter Munition
Browning M2 Schweres Maschinengewehr mit unbegrenzter Munition
M19 Granatwerfer mit unbegrenzter Munition
Sonstige Waffen
Granate M67 Handgranate
Molotov Cocktail Molotov Cocktail
IED Improvisierte Sprengladung
Machete Machete



Im Gegensatz zu anderen Spielen, in denen sich der Spieler über ein Menü oder per Tastendruck eine (ggf. transparente) Karte der Umgebung einblenden lässt, nimmt die Spielfigur in Far Cry 2 auf Befehl selbst eine Umgebungskarte samt GPS zur Hand um dem Spieler die Orientierung zu ermöglichen. Darüber hinaus werden Animationen wie das Entfernen einer Kugel aus dem Oberschenkel eingeblendet, sobald ein bestimmter Verletzungsgrad der Spielfigur erreicht ist und sich diese sich selbst heilen muss.

The game has realistic features such as the player having to hold a physical map, use of a handheld (presumably GPS) navigation system to get around, and the avatar having to dig bullets out of the body and pat himself down when on fire. As previously mentioned, weapons wear down over time, adding a more "war torn" look to them and eventually causing them to jam or explode. Several species of African wildlife can be encountered in the game, and are able to distract the enemy as well as make them aware of the players' presence.[4] All the large animals in the game are grazing herbivores, such as zebras, wildebeest, gazelle, buffalo, impala, and gemsbok.

It is believed however that carnivorous animals such as Cheetahs (in the savannahs), Jaguars (in the jungles), and Lions (on the savannahs and plains) will be added to the game Far Cry 2 in an upcoming patch.

The player is able to tag certain objects and locations such as cars, sniper towers, ammo pickups and buildings, so that they are able to monitor them on their map. The player also must deal with malaria. Every 30 to 40 minutes in real time, the player must take a pill in order to combat the effects of the illness. When the player runs out of medicine, he or she will have to do a simple mission in order to get more. The player's reputation comes into play as the more and more notorious the player becomes, the harder it will be to obtain the medication.

However, some reviewers thought that the focus on immersion has sometimes gone too far (to the point that the game became to be annoying at times), and was sometimes killed by bad game-design choices and game glitches[5][6][7] (some inconsistent textures and generic character models[8][9], magic map, instant spawning of enemies at check points[10], etc, the diamond caches, the malaria trick overused in the game, vehicles and firearms jamming[11], etc...).



Multiplayer in Far Cry 2 attempts to include the dynamic elements of the singleplayer game (such as fire propagation) and to provide as accessible gameplay as possible so that it is available to all skill levels and so that players have specific gameplay aspects to keep in mind when designing their own maps in the map editor.[12] It also includes a vast number of vehicles.[13]

Online matches can be held for a maximum of 16 players, but there is no split-screen multiplayer available. Four modes are available with the shipping of the game, consisting of Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Capture the Diamond (a slight variation of the standard Capture the Flag), and Uprising. The Uprising mode provides a twist on a node-capture match by including a captain for each team. Only captains can capture the designated points across the map, and a team must assassinate the enemy captain after capturing all the points to win the round.

Multiplayer gameplay is class based, with six classes available. The Commando is the standard grunt; the Sharpshooter specializes in long range; the Guerrilla excels in close combat and ambush; the Rebel uses explosives and fire; the Gunner provides heavy firepower; and the Saboteur uses stealth and silenced weapons. Each class can choose an appropriate primary weapon and a side arm, as well as explosives such as frag grenades or Molotov cocktails. Players are able to unlock more powerful weapons within each class by spending up to three "blood diamonds" on a class; the diamonds are earned through the experience points from killing other players and completing objectives. Potential upgrades for individual weapons within a class include operation manuals, maintenance manuals, and bandoliers.

The Multiplayer lets you gain ranks through killing enemy players, capturing control points, and capturing diamonds. You could go from Rank 1 - 30.

Setting and plot


Far Cry 2 abandons the science fiction aspects of its predecessor in favor of a more realistic setting. The game takes place in late 2008 in a small, fictional, failed Central African state, never named, currently embroiled in a civil war. The government has recently collapsed, leaving two factions vying for control. At war are the United Front for Liberation and Labour (UFLL, led by Addi Mbantuwe, a former opposition leader) and the Alliance for Popular Resistance (APR, led by Oliver Tambossa, Chief of Staff for the former government). Both factions have claimed to have the people's interests at heart, but both have shown ruthlessness, warmongering, greed, and a general disregard for the well-being of the people. Both sides have hired many foreign mercenaries to bolster their strength over the course of the conflict. The recent exhaustion of the nation's diamond mines has thrown the nation into further turmoil, leaving many foreign mercenaries without payment and no way out.

The goal of the player's character is to find and assassinate the Jackal, an arms-dealer who has been selling weapons to both sides of the conflict. The player must accomplish this goal by whatever means necessary, even if he has to reach the level of immorality employed by the warring factions and the Jackal himself.

The Dunia Engine allows incredibly complex sequences and runevents. The game also features a real time day and night cycle, as well as tree and vegetation regeneration. Also included is fire propagation; the ability of fire to spread and eventually cause large brush fires. The behavior of fire is dependent on factors such as wind speed, wind direction, whether or not it is raining and vegetation type.



The protagonist of previous Far Cry games, Jack Carver, is not featured in this game. When Ubisoft interviewed players about the original Far Cry in their research for this game, the interviewees did not find the character very memorable or likable. As a result, in the sequel the player chooses from nine different characters to play, each with a unique look and back story.[14] All of the playable characters will be different types of mercenaries. The playable characters the player does not choose to play become non-player characters who are friends of the player's character and who can be found around the in-game nation.[15] These friends are called Buddies and they can be used to complete some missions; for instance, bringing a container of defoliant to one Buddy who has access to a plane will allow her to deprive the enemy of cover when the player assaults a plantation. In addition, when a player and a Buddy have a good enough relationship, the Buddy will come to the player's aid, to revive him when downed and to help fight off the remaining enemies. Similarly, the player may be called upon to aid wounded Buddies, and may have to euthanize them if they are unable to provide adequate first aid.



The unveiling of Far Cry 2 took place on July 19, 2007 in Paris, France,[16] by head company Ubisoft. Ubisoft stated that the game had been in development by the Ubisoft Montreal team, and would be released on October 23, 2008.

The game's producer, Louis-Pierre Pharand, said that the single-player game will "potentially have close to 50 hours of game play."[17][18] Lead designer Clint Hocking stated that at least 100 hours are needed to experience all of the game's content.[19]

A pre-alpha video of the game, showcasing the visuals and 13 minutes of gameplay with developer commentary, was presented in Leipzig in August 2007. The demonstration showed off the gameplay involving gunfights and driving sequences, and unique features such as first aid and physical maps were also shown. It also showcased several graphical features tying in directly with the gameplay, such as procedural breakage of vegetation and its regeneration over time, dynamic propagation of fire, and volumetric wind effects capable of breaking vegetation and spreading fire. Man-made structures were also shown to be highly destructible.[20]



In July 2007, Ubisoft sent a team of the game's developers to Africa to carry out research for the game. They reportedly spent two weeks traveling around Kenya and camping out on the savannah. The game's producer, Louis-Pierre Pharand said that following the trip they realized they had gotten the design of the game "so wrong" and made several changes to "make the game feel like you were really there".[21] Some African wildlife are featured in the game world, but herbivores only; according to the developers, predators without careful control would have eaten all the herbivores and starved to death.[4]

Map editor


Far Cry 2's map editor has been designed specifically for ease of use. It includes features such as easily raising/lowering terrain and applying textures. A video was shown showcasing the editor, including an Eiffel Tower made completely from in-game pieces.[22][23]

The map editor will feature thousands of objects found in the single player game including vehicles, buildings, bridges and more. However, weapons (with the exception of mounted guns) cannot be placed on maps to support the game's class-based gameplay. The objects in the player made maps, such as buildings and structures are prefabricated from the game, making the map files smaller. This means that uploading and downloading maps will be quick and easy. It was announced at the GC 2008 that there will be a memory space limit for each map.

Ubisoft has developed a new engine specifically for Far Cry 2, called Dunia, meaning "world", "earth" or "living" in Parsi but also used in many languages including Arabic, Sanskrit, Bengali, Hindi, Indonesian, Kurdish, Turkish, Malay, Marathi, Punjabi, Urdu, Gujarati, Marvadi and Swahili.[24]

The Dunia engine was built specifically for Far Cry 2 by Ubisoft Montreal development team. It delivers realistic destructible environments, special effects such as dynamic fire propagation [25] and storm effects, real-time night-and-day cycle, dynamic music system and non-scripted enemy A.I.

The engine takes advantage of multi-core processors as well as multiple processors and supports DirectX 9 as well as DirectX 10.[26] Only 2 or 3 percent of the original CryEngine code is re-used, according to Michiel Verheijdt, Senior Product Manager for Ubisoft Netherlands. Additionally, the engine is less hardware-demanding than CryEngine 2, the engine used in Crysis.[27]

Far Cry 2 also supports the amBX technology from Philips. With the proper hardware, this adds effects like vibrations, ambient colored lights, and fans that generate wind effects.

Marketing and release


Ubidays 2008


During Ubisoft's Ubidays, held in Paris, France on May 28 - 29, 2008, Ubisoft revealed brand new video footage for Far Cry 2.[28] Along with the new footage, Ubisoft displayed in-game screenshots showing off the visuals rendered by Ubisoft's Dunia Engine (see engine). A video of Ubisoft Montreal's developers talking about the upcoming game's features can be seen on G4TV's website.[29]

Additional content is available to those who pre-order it at GameStop. Dubbed the GameStop Exclusive Pre-Order Edition, the package sells at the same price point as the regular SKU, and includes bonus missions, a fold out map and different packaging.[30]

Retail versions


To celebrate the release of Far Cry 2, Ubisoft also unveiled the Far Cry 2 Collectors’ Edition, available in certain territories outside the US, that will include:[31][1]

  • Exclusive wooden box
  • Original Far Cry 2 Game
  • Limited edition Far Cry 2 t-shirt
  • “The Art of Far Cry 2” Art book
  • Collector 50km² map
  • Making-of DVD, including video from the development team's trip to Africa
  • 8 Exclusive missions

The United States receives a separate Limited Edition package, available exclusively for those who pre-order it at GameStop. Dubbed the GameStop Exclusive Pre-Order Edition, the package sells at the same price point as the regular SKU, and includes the following:[30]

  • 6 Bonus Missions with about 3 extra hours of gameplay
  • A fold out map of the open world of Far Cry 2
  • Exclusive game packaging

Downloadable content


On November 21, 2008 Ubisoft announced "Fortune's Pack" which includes three new weapons, a Crossbow, Double-barreled Shotgun, and Silenced Shotgun; vehicles, including a truck and ATV; and a number of new multiplayer maps. The Fortune's Pack is now available on the Xbox Live Marketplace and the Playstation Network although, it has not been confirmed if it will be released for the PC .[32][33]

Two Far Cry novels were published in Germany. Author is Michael Bhatty, former Lead Game Designer of the international blockbuster game Sacred (game). While the first novel tells the story of the first game, there are two new characters introduced relevant for the second novel, which is the prelude of Far Cry 2. A flashback scene in the first novel has been set into the African setting, introducing Marty already. The second novel focuses on the fraud diamond plot and establishes the mood of the Central African warfare in a more historic way. Hero is the vet Paula, trained by Jack Carver's Mentor (from the first novel only), a former CIA agent with an american-oriental background.

Sources: - Bhatty, Michael, Far Cry - Goetterdaemmerung, Panini 2007

- Bhatty, Michael, Far Cry - Blutige Diamanten, Panini 2008



Far Cry 2 has, so far, received positive reviews from game critics. The graphics and open-world design in the African setting were universally praised. Critics also praised the intelligent enemies who actively hunt for the player, but noted the sometimes unresponsive AI. The main criticisms of the game were the long time it took to travel from one objective to another, the lack of information within the plot, and the not-so-compelling storyline. The IGN review pointed out another minor issue, with the difference in the save system: the PC version allows players to save at any time, while the console versions only allow players to save at certain points.[34] Game Informer gave praise to the console save system because it gives a sense of realism to the game. While IGN criticized this, GameSpot noted that the console version's save system gave the player more of a sense of urgency as it made death seem more consequential.[35] GamePro praises Far Cry 2 for "Its detailed presentation, feature-rich gameplay, and palpable sense of placing players in another world yield a bar-raising effort."[36] On the 28th of October, 2008, out of 87 reviews, the average rating stood at 2 stars from Amazon user ratings, due largely to complaints over the copyright protection system implemented within the game.[37] OXM Australia gave Far Cry 2 10/10 stating that it is "a true, open-ended FPS."

Technical Issues


Far Cry 2 has attracted negative feedback due to a number of faults contained in the game across all platforms, such as corrupt save files, freezes, and disappearing characters. A majority of players have reported that at certain points in the game, these issues become more pronounced thereby rendering the game unplayable. As of December 2008, Ubisoft have yet to address these issues.[38]

Digital rights management


Similar to Spore, a single copy of the PC version of Far Cry 2 can only be installed ('activated') on five separate hardware configurations at any one time, although the uninstaller is able to 'revoke' the installation, thus freeing up one of the hardware configuration activations (while the system is in a usable state).[39]


  1. a b Tor Thorsen: Far Cry 2 howling October 21. GameSpot, 5. September 2008, abgerufen am 6. September 2008 (englisch).
  2. Tor Thorsen: Ubisoft announces Far Cry 2 Release Date. XBoxWorld Australia, 23. Oktober 2008, abgerufen am 23. Oktober 2008 (englisch).
  3. Far Cry 2 PlayStation 3 Show - E3 2008: Live Wire Demo. IGN, abgerufen am 7. Oktober 2008 (englisch).
  4. a b René Valen: QUESTIONS FROM LP’S VIDEO. Far Cry 2 official blog, 8. Februar 2008, abgerufen am 8. Oktober 2008 (englisch).
  5. Far Cry 2 Review (X360). about.com, abgerufen am 23. November 2008: „I’m all for realism and immersion, but there are many aspects of Far Cry 2 that just aren’t fun.
  6. Far Cry 2 (PC). gamespy.com, 21. Oktober 2008, abgerufen am 23. November 2008: „Visually breathtaking and ambitious in scope, Far Cry 2 falls shy of it's amazing potential.
  7. Far Cry 2 (PS3). 1up.com, abgerufen am 29. November 2008: „Worse than the malaria, though: the enemies. In short, they're dumb, tough, and pack way too much firepower(...)But why is it that the enemies never get a gun jam or blowback, yet the moment I pick up and fire that exact same weapon, it jams on me?
  8. Far Cry 2. videogametalk.com, abgerufen am 29. November 2008: „Unfortunately the enchantment wears off after a while when you realize that there's a fair amount of pop-in, animation glitches, generic character models, and inconsistent textures
  9. Far Cry 2: One hell of an overhyped waste of time. digitalruin.net, 21. Oktober 2008, abgerufen am 23. November 2008: „But that doesn't change the fact that they did a bland job of it with boring ass textures. The character models are shit by today's standards and most of the regular items are dull and uninteresting.
  10. Far Cry 2 (PC). gamespy.com, 21. Oktober 2008, abgerufen am 23. November 2008: „The first few times you blast through a checkpoint it's fun. After the fifth or sixth time you shoot up the same group of guys at the same checkpoint it gets stale(...)The endless procession of vehicles gunning for you is almost a joke(...)Why, if you're suffering from malaria, do you have to take a mission to blow up a medicine manufacturing plant?
  11. Far Cry 2: One hell of an overhyped waste of time. digitalruin.net, 21. Oktober 2008, abgerufen am 23. November 2008: „Every vehicle in the game is identical, has horrible handling, and breaks down the second you hit something. You're constantly fixing it by magically tightening a random radiator bolt which suddenly fixes everything
  12. Jon Miller: Far Cry 2 Exclusive Multiplayer Hands-On -- Game Modes, Weapons, and Blood Diamonds. GameSpot, 19. September 2008, abgerufen am 12. Oktober 2008 (englisch).
  13. IGN Video: Far Cry 2 Xbox 360 Interview - Far Cry 2 Multiplayer Video Interview. Xbox360.ign.com, abgerufen am 17. Oktober 2008.
  14. Far Cry 2 - All nine playable characters’ full details, images included. VideoGaming247, 25. September 2008, abgerufen am 18. Oktober 2008 (englisch).
  15. Referenzfehler: Ungültiges <ref>-Tag; kein Text angegeben für Einzelnachweis mit dem Namen PCG2.
  16. Ubisoft announces Far Cry 2. Ubisoft, 19. Juli 2007, abgerufen am 6. September 2008 (englisch).
  17. Mike Jackson: Far Cry 2 single-player "close to 50 hours". Computer and Video Games, 28. Mai 2008, abgerufen am 6. September 2008 (englisch).
  18. Mike Jackson: Far Cry 2 single-player "close to 50 hours". GamesRadar, 28. Mai 2008, abgerufen am 6. September 2008 (englisch).
  19. Jason Dobson: Far Cry 2 single player could last 25 hours! No 50! ... No 100! In: Joystiq. Weblogs, Inc., 30. Juni 2008, abgerufen am 9. November 2008.
  20. 13 minutes of FarCry 2 footage - Joystiq. Joystiq, 7. September 2007, abgerufen am 20. November 2008.
  21. Keith Stuart: FarCry 2 Interview. Three Speech, 25. April 2008, abgerufen am 8. Oktober 2008 (englisch).
  22. Luke Plunkett: Far Cry 2 Map Editor Looks Absolutely Amazing. Kotaku, 20. August 2008, abgerufen am 8. Oktober 2008 (englisch).
  23. Jon Miller: Far Cry 2 Map Editor Gone Wild. GameSpot, 14. Oktober 2008, abgerufen am 18. Oktober 2008 (englisch).
  24. Alex Amancio: Introduction to the Dunia engine. In: Far Cry 2 official site. Ubisoft Entertainment, 14. August 2008, abgerufen am 8. Oktober 2008 (englisch).
  25. Jean-Francois Levesque's interview about Far Cry 2's fire propagation. Gamasutra.com, abgerufen am 5. November 2008.
  26. GameTrailers.com - Far Cry 2 - Developer Diary - Engine Introduction. GameTrailers.com, abgerufen am 17. Oktober 2008.
  27. Wilbert de Vries: Ubisoft light tip of the veil on Far Cry 2. Tweakers.net, 14. Dezember 2007, abgerufen am 8. Oktober 2008.
  28. G4TV.com - The Feed http://www.g4tv.com/thefeed/ May, 2008
  29. G4TV - The Feed http://www.g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/post/685862/Far_Cry_2_Videos__Screenshots.html
  30. a b Ubisoft Confirms Far Cry 2 Ship Date and Announces Exclusive Edition. IGN, 9. September 2008, abgerufen am 11. September 2008 (englisch).
  31. Ubisoft Confirms Release Date for Far Cry 2 and Announces Collectors Edition Content. IGN, 5. September 2008, abgerufen am 6. September 2008 (englisch).
  32. Chris Faylor: Far Cry 2 DLC Adds Weapons, Vehicles and Maps. Shacknews, 21. November 2008, abgerufen am 22. November 2008 (englisch).
  33. Far Cry 2 DLC Coming November. GameSpy, 21. November 2008, abgerufen am 22. November 2008 (englisch).
  34. Charles Onyett: Far Cry 2 Review - IGN. IGN, 21. Oktober 2008, abgerufen am 24. Oktober 2008.
  35. Shaun McInnis: Far Cry 2 Review - GameSpot. GameSpot, 21. Oktober 2008, S. 2, abgerufen am 24. Oktober 2008.
  36. Matt Cabral: Review: Far Cry 2 (360). In: Gamepro. IDG Entertainment, 27. Oktober 2008;.
  37. http://www.amazon.com/Far-Cry-2-Pc/dp/B000X9FV5M
  38. http://forums.ubi.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/1821007696/m/5701009107/p/1
  39. http://news.cnet.com/8301-17938_105-10066846-1.html

[[Kategorie:Computerspiel 2008]] [[Kategorie:Playstation-3-Spiel]] [[Kategorie:Xbox-360-Spiel]] [[Kategorie:Ego-Shooter]] [[Kategorie:Windows-Spiel]] [[en:Far Cry 2]] [[fr:Far Cry 2]] [[it:Far Cry 2]] [[he:Far Cry 2]] [[lt:Far Cry 2]] [[hu:Far Cry 2]] [[nl:Far Cry 2]] [[ja:Far Cry 2]] [[no:Far Cry 2]] [[pl:Far Cry 2]] [[pt:Far Cry 2]] [[ru:Far Cry 2]] [[sk:Far Cry 2]] [[fi:Far Cry 2]] [[sv:Far Cry 2]] [[tr:Far Cry 2]]