Benutzer:Cabanero/to do/Politik/GB/Vereinigtes Königreich/Labour

/Die Säuberung der Partei 2024

Stadträte: Zu Oxford gibt es in der dt. WP zwar einen Artikel (teilweise in verheerendem Zustand) aber nichts zur Stadtverwaltung. Der Gemeinderat ist jetzt nicht mehr in der Hand von Labour, nachdem 8 der Räte aus der Partei ausgetreten sind als Reaktion auf Starmers Kommentar zu Israel-Gaza, der den Eindruck erweckt hatte, er billige das Abschalten von Wasser- und Gaszufuhr durch Israel. Wer sich wirklich informieren will über Vorgänge in GB, muss dort nachlesen: [1]

Abgeordnete Unterhaus


  • David Skaith, will Mayor of York and North Yorkshire werden. Zwar gibt es noch keinen WP-Artikel, wohl aber zu der Wahl: 2024 York and North Yorkshire mayoral election in der engl. WP
  • Shaista Aziz, Oxford
  • Waheed Akbar, früherer Bürgermeister von Luton
  • Sadiq Khan, Londons BM, "broke ranks witrh the Labour leadership and calls for a ceasefire" (Guardian)
  • Anas Sarwar, ebenso
  • Naz Shah, the shadow minister for crime reduction,
  • Jess Phillips have resigned as Keir Starmer was hit by a major rebellion over a vote for a ceasefire in Gaza.

Brave Labour MPs have voted with their conscience. Where is Keir Starmer’s? Owen Jones

In backing a ceasefire in Gaza, scores of politicians have shown the courage and heart that their leader is lacking

  • Rushanara Ali, hat diesmal noch mit der Mehrheit gestimmt, aber ---

Die andere Seite:

Lisa Nandy, the shadow international development secretary, reinforced that message, telling reporters on Thursday the party would not apologise for refusing to call for a ceasefire



Und die Wahlaussichten:

"At about 19 points, Labour’s lead is now nine points narrower than it was nine months before the 1997 election, and its leaders are less popular too.

Blair was about 60% more popular in 1997 than Starmer is now, the data shows. Meanwhile Starmer’s deputy, Angela Rayner, his shadow chancellor, Rachel Reeves, the shadow foreign secretary, David Lammy, and the shadow home secretary, Yvette Cooper, are all less popular than their counterparts were at that time.

The Conservatives also generally lag behind their Tory counterparts from 1997, even though the party lost by a landslide in that election. John Major was about 60% more popular than the prime minister, Rishi Sunak, is now, while only one senior cabinet minister outperforms his or her 1997 counterpart – David Cameron, who is more popular than his predecessor Malcolm Rifkind.

The findings will bolster the arguments of those who believe Starmer is wrong to follow Blair’s blueprint for victory from 1997.

The Labour leader has been taking advice from his predecessor ahead of the election, as he seeks to beat the 10.2% swing Blair achieved in 1997." So eine vom Guardian am 18.3.24 veröffentlichte Umfrage.

/Die Flöhe abschütteln

Labour und Gewerkschaften


Genauer: Labour und die abhängig Beschäftigten

Der Guardian fragt, zusammen mit Gewerkschaftern, ob Labour die Arbeiter betrogen hat :

The main difference between Angela Rayner’s first green paper (pdf) on the new deal for working people and the latest leaked dossier is in the tone and tenor of the document. “The language felt very certain in that paper,” Jessica says, in contrast to the new document that was sent to the unions where the language has been significantly softened. There are now caveats to the promises that were made: “The ambitions have been couched with language that emphasises how long it is going to take to make these kinds of big changes,” Jessica says. Very little has been outright excluded from the original ambition, but the ways in which the party might achieve the goals have been tempered.

The main points of contention are around fire and rehire and zero-hours contracts, as well as the plans for legislation. Unite, Labour’s biggest union backer, has noted that the party has moved away from clearly promising to prohibit “fire and rehire”– the practice in which employers make workers redundant only to bring them back on worse terms and conditions. Though the party has said it continues to be committed to outlawing this practice, the leaked document adds the caveat that it is still “important businesses can restructure to remain viable … when there is genuinely no alternative”.

The union has also accused Labour of watering down the pledges on zero-hours contracts “to almost nothing”, as the new document adds that employees can opt in to a zero-hours contract if that works for them, as opposed to the original Rayner green paper which banned the contracts outright. Unions and critics believe that these stipulations give employers loopholes that leave workers in the same precarious position.

Man hat sich also jetzt zusammengesetzt, die Vorsitzenden der großen Gewerkschaften zusammen mit Starmer und Rayner. Es ist aber noch nicht ganz klar, was dabei herausgekommen ist.