Benutzer:Cabanero/to do/Politik/GB/Vereinigtes Königreich/Labour/Die Säuberung der Partei 2024

Aus dem Guardian von 29.5.24: "Good morning. The Labour party spent most of yesterday talking about Diane Abbott, and the question of whether an unedifying back-and-forth over her future was evidence of a calculated attack on the party’s left. By the end of the day, two other prominent left-wing candidates had been suspended, and a group of candidates who stand firmly on Labour’s right had been abruptly parachuted into winnable seats. So there doesn’t seem much suspense about that question any more. Yesterday began with Britain’s first Black female MP confirming a story in the Times saying that she would not be allowed to stand, only for Keir Starmer to claim that “no decision has been taken to bar Diane Abbott”. Last night, Abbott said that she wanted to be an MP as long as possible. As of now, she is a Labour MP, and the party’s candidate for Hackney North and Stoke Newington is yet to be confirmed. There are likely twists ahead for Abbott – but the case of Faiza Shaheen has been ruthlessly closed. Shaheen, one of only six 2019 Labour candidates to secure a swing against the Tories in her contest with Iain Duncan Smith, appeared shellshocked in an interview with Newsnight where she said she had been told she had been removed as a candidate in relation to 14 tweets over the last decade. The Brighton Kemptown MP, Lloyd Russell-Moyle, has meanwhile been suspended over what he claimed was “a vexatious and politically motivated complaint”. And Apsana Begum, MP for Poplar and Limehouse, became the third woman of colour to have her candidacy thrown into doubt after a deselection attempt in her constituency. Starmer’s allies insist that everything has been done by the book. But if the Labour leader has ambitions to focus on his policy agenda today, he will first have to contend with questions about what looks to many like a purge."

Shaheen: "Während Abbotts Schicksal weiterhin unklar ist, hat Shaheen, die am Mittwochabend erfahren hatte, dass sie aufgrund früherer Social-Media-Aktivitäten nicht für den Sitz kandidieren dürfe, für den sie 2019 angestrebt hatte, versprochen, ihren Fall vor Gericht auszufechten. Shaheen sagte, sie sei „einer systematischen Kampagne des Rassismus, der Islamfeindlichkeit und des Mobbings“ ausgesetzt gewesen. Sie fügte hinzu: „Ich bin zu dem unausweichlichen Schluss gekommen, dass Labour weit davon entfernt ist, eine breite Kirche mit unterschiedlichen Ansichten zu sein, sondern eine tief verwurzelte Kultur des Mobbings hat, ein greifbares Problem mit Schwarzen und Braunen, und es macht ihnen nichts aus, den guten Namen einer Person in den Dreck zu ziehen, um eine Fraktionsagenda durchzusetzen, ohne an die Auswirkungen auf die psychische Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden engagierter Mitglieder zu denken.“ Guardian vom 30.5.24