Wikipedia:Projektdiskussion/Equal Articles: Capellini VS Capelli d’angelo

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First of all, sorry for don't speak german.

I was editing Wikidata Q1034554 item and I found that the content is the same that Q20029.

I tried to merge them but I found that the respectively Wiki articles in deutsch connected to each item are different but talk about the same (I guess):

I can't merge them in Wikidata cause the Wikipedia deutsch page conneted to it is different for each item.

Can you verify if the subject/content in both articles is the same please?

If not, can you merge them please?


--JuanToño (Diskussion) 04:41, 8. Mai 2019 (CEST)[Beantworten]

@JuanToño: To our knowlege and sources these are two different (but similar) types of Italian pasta. Therefore, they shouldn't be merged. User:bjs and I fixed the Wikidata-items and corresponding Commons categories. -- Michi 20:55, 8. Mai 2019 (CEST)[Beantworten]
Best regards! --JuanToño (Diskussion) 01:45, 9. Mai 2019 (CEST)[Beantworten]