Diskussion:Thamsanqa Jantjie

Letzter Kommentar: vor 10 Jahren von in Abschnitt the-fake-interpreter-is-back

Jantjie is not a member of SATI and is not accredited/recognised


I can't made the edit myself because I don't speak German, but the German Wikipedia's Talk page policy does not say I have to speak German here. I queried the information about SATI with SATI on SATI's Facebook page, and got this reply: https://www.facebook.com/sati.savi/posts/456288124476976 (http://i44.tinypic.com/30241nc.png). So, according to SATI, Jantjie is not a member of SATI, and since SATI is the only body who accredits SASL interpreters (in conjunction with DeafSA), he is not an accredited interpreter either. --Leuce (Diskussion) 10:56, 15. Dez. 2013 (CET)Beantworten

First of all, the article makes it very clear that Jantjie is NOT an accredited sign language interpreter – neither for SASL nor for any other of the hundreds of South African dialects Vice Minister Bogopane-Zulu claims to be just as relevant. Accordingly, the question of his membership of SATI is a non-issue as far as his SASL skills are concerned. Secondly, according to references Jantjie worked as a court interpreter (if for Xhosa and English or any other combination we don't know). In South Africa, would that legally be possible without any accreditation? Thirdly, as "Sati Savi" correctly points out in the Facebook dialogue of the screenshot, this Wikipedia article only says Mr Jantjie is a "recognised interpreter" and does not claim him to be a SATI member. I hope this answers your question. BTW, I cannot access the full Facebook discussion under your link, only the part of your screenshot via tinypic.com. --Hvd69 (Diskussion) 20:20, 15. Dez. 2013 (CET) PS: I have now removed the reference to SATI: The German journalist appears to have made more of Johan Blaauw’s statement than he actually said. I cannot find a similar reference in English. --Hvd69 (Diskussion) 20:44, 15. Dez. 2013 (CET)Beantworten
Firstly, my initial response was to the sentence "Jantjie ist beim Südafrikanischen Übersetzer-Institut (SATI) als anerkannter Dolmetscher registriert", which seemed to state that he is a member of SATI and an accredited/recognised/acknowledged interpreter. SATI offers only two levels of registration, namely non-accredited and accredited, and SATI does not test whether a member who claims to be an interpreter is actually an interpreter, except through accreditation. In that light, I thought that calling him a "recognised interpreter registered with SATI" would only mean one thing: "accredited". Secondly, yes, court interpreters don't have to be accredited in South Africa. There is no national body capable of accrediting interpreters, except SATI, and officials in the current government often regard SATI as a remnant of the apartheid era. Court interpreters can also be "sworn" translators, usually after proving themselves to at least one other sworn translator, but it is no guarantee of quality interpreting. Thirdly, yes, I know you can't access the FB post, which is why I posted the picture, but SATI told me that they would issue a press release about this. Thanks for your time, and again, sorry for the English. --Leuce (Diskussion) 23:56, 15. Dez. 2013 (CET)Beantworten
If I understand you correctly, Jantjie could in fact be “registered” with SATI as a non-accredited interpreter, but the ANC’s regard of SATI as dominated by Whites makes even that seem unlikely. If and when a SATI statement is issued, it will be welcome. On the other hand, it is not needed for this article. Jantjie is a de facto interpreter with or without SATI registration. At this point, I find questions relating to the whereabouts of his court files or to the commercial side of his links to the ANC much more interesting. --Hvd69 (Diskussion) 03:29, 16. Dez. 2013 (CET)Beantworten
Yes, it is possible for an interpreter to be "registered" with SATI without being accredited. However, SATI has confirmed that Mr Jantjie is not registered with them. SATI may not be highly regarded by the ANC, but that does not mean black people avoid SATI. About half of new members joining SATI each month are probably non-white, based on the surnames of the new members being announced on SATI's monthly newsletters. --Leuce (Diskussion) 13:33, 16. Dez. 2013 (CET)Beantworten

Zwei Mordfälle


Die Nummer mit dem bekloppt sein, hat er bereits öfters durchgezogen: er kam bei einem doppelten Mord mit der Nummer davon http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/bogus-signer-thamsanqa-jantjie-accused-of-burning-2-men-to-death-1.2465615

-- 20:31, 16. Dez. 2013 (CET)Beantworten

Schon mehrfach Dolmetscher


Es war nicht das erste mal, dass er oeffentlich als Dolmetscher fuer den ANC auftrat: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHLTKZ05zM4 Kann vielleicht noch in den Artikel eingearbeitet werden -- 23:41, 1. Jan. 2014 (CET)Beantworten

Wenn du dir den Artikel aufmerksam durchliest, wirst du diesen Satz finden: „Über Jahre hinweg wurde er jedoch bei Veranstaltungen sowohl der südafrikanischen Regierung als auch Regierungspartei ANC als Dolmetscher für Gebärdensprache eingesetzt, darunter bei Großveranstaltungen unter Beteiligung des Staatspräsidenten Jacob Zuma, wie der Trauerfeier für die Freiheitskämpferin Albertina Sisulu im Juni 2011, der 100-Jahr-Feier des ANC im Januar 2012 und dem Wahlparteitag im Dezember 2012.“ Ist also schon längst eingearbeitet. --Hvd69 (Diskussion) 23:49, 1. Jan. 2014 (CET)Beantworten

Help with article in English


Hello -- I apologize for not using German. This is an excellent article about an individual who has catalysed an important discussion vis-a-vis the Deaf community. I am trying to translate this page into English for the English Wiki, but I don't know an easy way to include references. If anyone working here is able to help, viele Danke in a\dvance. Please see:

English article on Thamsanqa Jantjie

Minshulf (Diskussion) 11:34, 25. Jan. 2014 (CET)Beantworten

Hi, what exactly do you find difficult in including references? Almost all of the references provided for this article in German are in English. All you have to do is check if the reference used for any particular section in German matches the information of your English translation. If it does, fine: You have a reference you can copy from the German article and include in your English text. If it isn't easy enough for you just to copy those references I doubt there is any easier way. It sure wasn't as easy finding all those references in the first place when compiling this article... --Hvd69 (Diskussion) 18:40, 25. Jan. 2014 (CET)Beantworten



http://limpingchicken.com/2014/05/07/the-fake-interpreter-is-back-and-hes-still-causing-offence-in-a-strange-advert-for-a-video-sharing-app/ (nicht signierter Beitrag von (Diskussion) 09:35, 8. Mai 2014 (CEST))Beantworten