Suffolk draft horses

The Suffolk Punch is one of the breeds of draft horses. The Suffolk Punch has a powerful arching neck, strong upright shoulders, a short strong back, wide hipbones, and a high tail. Due to their extreme draftiness, the clean legs of the Suffolk Punch appear short. The Suffolk Punch has an average height of 1,64 m, but many stallions stand 1,72 m oder mehr. Es kann 770 bis über 900 kg wiegen. Alle Tiere dieser Rasse sind Füchse mit Varianten von hell bis dunkelbraun. Weisse Markierungen kommen vor, sind jedoch seltener anzutreffen als bei anderen Rassen.

Das Suffolk Punch stammt vom mittelalterlichen Destrier ab, brought to England in 1066 by William the Conqueror. It was developed in eastern England's Norfolk and Suffolk counties for farm work. The Suffolk Punch is one of the oldest draft breeds, possibly dating back to 1506. To plow the heavy clay soil of Suffolk, the farmers needed a horse with power, stamina, health, longevity, and docility. Because the farmers used these horses on their land, they seldom had any to sell, which helped to keep the breed pure and unchanged. By its reputation for easy handling with power the name was also used for a British brand of lawn mower.

See also


American Suffolk Horse Association