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Darcy Richardson

Darcy G. Richardson (* 6. Dezember 1955) ist ein US-amerikanischer Schriftsteller, Amateurhistoriker, Blogger und plitischer Aktivist. Er forderte Barack Obama bei den Vorwahlen zur Präsidentschaftskandidatur 2012 in mehreren Bundesstaaten heraus.

Autor und Aktivist


Richardson ist Autor des 2002 erschienen Buchs A Nation Divided: The 1968 Presidential Campaign (Eine Nation geteilt: Die Präsidentschaftskampagne 1968). The book describes in detail the "Clean for Gene" phenomenon that led to President Lyndon B. Johnson's startling withdrawal from the race and Robert F. Kennedy's opportunistic last-minute candidacy, as well as the campaigns of Republican Richard M. Nixon and others. He has also authored four books of a planned seven volume series on the history of third party politics in the United States, with a heavy focus on progressive movements. All of his books are self-published through iUniverse. The first volume, "Others: Third-Party Politics From the Nation's Founding to the Rise and Fall of the Greenback-Labor Party" earned a Choice magazine Outstanding Academic Title (OAT) award for 2005.[1]Vorlage:Verify credibility

Richardson ist der Gründer der linken Blogs BattlegroundBlog.com und anderer politischer Blogs.

Von 1989 bis 1992 war Richardson als Bundesvorsitzender der New Democrats, zu denen auch Eugene McCarthy und Gary Hart gehörten.[2][3]

Politisches Engagement


Obwohl Richardson zu dieser Zeit ein eingetragener Demokrat und gewähltes Ausschussmitglied im Montgomery County war, trat er 1980 zur Wahl des Pennsylvania Auditor General für die Consumer Party an. Er landete weit abgeschalgen auf Platz frei - bei sechs Kandidaten.[4]

1988 nominierte die Consumer Party Richardson als Kandidaten für die Senatswahl.[5] That same year, Richardson was the national campaign manager of former Senator Eugene McCarthy's presidential campaign. McCarthy was also running on the Consumer Party ticket. Richardson was later a senior advisor to McCarthy's final presidential campaign, in which he ran as a candidate in the Democratic primaries.[6]



Richardson trat 2010 zusammen mit Farid Khavari in Florida zur Gouverneurswahl als parteiloser Kandidat an. Richardson bewarb sich dabei als für den Vizegouverneur von Florida.

Präsidentschaftswahlen 2012


Am 21. Oktober 2011 war Richardson der erste Demokrat, der seine Kandidatur in einer Vorwahl gegen Präsident Barack Obama einreichte.[7][8] A total of 14 Democrats, including Obama, eventually filed for the primary ballot.[9] Richardson stated in an interview with the Los Angeles Times that he decided to enter the race after failing to convince former Labor Secretary Robert Reich to mount a bid. Richardson also noted his campaign is going to be national in scope, in that he plans to file in numerous other states where ballot access laws will allow him to either pay a qualifying fee or gather signed petitions.[9]

By December 19, Richardson had qualified for a spot on the Missouri, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas Democratic primary ballots. [10] [11]

  • A Nation Divided: The 1968 Presidential Campaign (2002) ISBN 978-0-595-23699-2
  • Others: Third-Party Politics From the Nation's Founding to the Rise and Fall of the Greenback-Labor Party (2004) ISBN 978-0-595-31723-3
  • Others: Third Parties During the Populist Period (2007) ISBN 978-0-595-44304-8
  • Others: Third Parties from Teddy Roosevelt's Bull Moose Party to the Decline of Socialism in America (2007) ISBN 978-0-595-47701-2
  • Others: "Fighting Bob" La Follette and the Progressive Movement: Third-Party Politics in the 1920s (2008) ISBN 978-0-595-48126-2


  1. Obama Draws Opponent in New Hampshire Primary. In: Election Journal. 24. Oktober 2011, abgerufen am 3. November 2011.
  2. Steven L. Herman: The "New Democrats" are Liberals and Proud of It, 4. Dezember 1989 
  3. Stack, Barbara White: Small uprising developing among national Democrats. In: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. 13. Dezember 1989, abgerufen am 4. November 2011.
  4. OurCampaigns.com PA Auditor Race 1980
  5. Heinz well on road to win. In: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. 9. November 1988, abgerufen am 4. November 2011.
  6. BattlegroundBlog.com About Page
  7. Winger, Richard: Darcy Richardson Files in New Hampshire Democratic Presidential Primary. In: Ballot Access News. 21. Oktober 2011, abgerufen am 3. November 2011.
  8. Schoenberg, Shira: N.H. primary ballot becomes equalizer between top-tier, perennial candidates. In: Boston Globe. 28. Oktober 2011, abgerufen am 4. November 2011.
  9. a b Memoli, Michael A.: Even Democratic ballot will be crowded in New Hampshire primary. In: Los Angeles Times. 28. Oktober 2011, abgerufen am 4. November 2011.
  10. Associated Press. 7. Dezember 2011, abgerufen am 7. Dezember 2011.
  11. Oklahoma Board of Elections. 8. Dezember 2011, abgerufen am 8. Dezember 2011.

{{United States presidential election, 2012}} {{DEFAULTSORT:Richardson, Darcy G.}} [[Category:1955 births]] [[Category:Living people]] [[Category:American bloggers]] [[Category:American historians]] [[Category:American political writers]] [[Category:Article Feedback 5 Additional Articles]] [[Category:Florida Democrats]] [[Category:Pennsylvania Democrats]] [[Category:Temple University alumni]] [[Category:United States presidential candidates, 2012]]