Subpage 03




Pirate Pad

Special Needs Care as a profession is concerned with the assistance, consultation, supervision, care and education of perople with mental and/or physical disabilities, providing permanent or temporary care. Using methods of Social Learning and Nursing Special Needs Care aims to provide help in a way that meets the holistic and individual needs of the patient in order to assist them to carry out their daily routines. The main focus of the field varies and is dependent on the type and degree of the disability. In this regard Special Needs Care works in cooperation with other branches of therapy and occupational fields.

In Germany the training to become a special needs caregiver takes three years and is regulated by the federal states.



An Erzieher is a German profession.

Training and education


The training is administered differently in each German state. The qualification needed to pursue this profession generally consists of a Realschulabschluss. In certain cases an internship is required. The training in Baden-Württemberg for example usually takes four years.

The training is provided by institutions specialised in pedagogy and may be supported by the Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz. For people working for the social services there is also the possiblity of further qualifications after having worked for several years. In the last few years there have been more and more offerings of bachelor degree courses in early childhood education. This is due to the Bologna Process which aims at standardizing education in European countries.