Leben: "Schulaufgabe"


"...when a student claimed that he had a leaked an exam paper .... a White conductor entered the coach...." https://www.sahistory.org.za/people/ahmed-timol --- Besaß ein durchgesickertes Examen-Dokument? Ein weißer Schaffner?

War Saloojee eigentlich Kommunist wie sein Kumpel Ahmed Timol? https://www.politicsweb.co.za/documents/timol-long-live-memories-of-our-beloved-martyrs--e?utm "Ahmed Timol was a firm supporter of the Soviet Union – Essop Pahad" 11 November 2021 (Abt. Documents) Former minister pays tribute to the revolutionary commitment of his close friend and comrade. Commemoration of the murder of Ahmed Timol fifty years ago Held at Johannesburg Police Station, (formerly John Vorster Square) 27 October 2021 "I greet Minister Lamola, Premier Makhura, the Timol family and all those present...." eku-pilz (12.11.2021)