Diskussion:Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics

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Von der Institutswebseite:

The Institute will have no or very few permanent researchers. This flexible scheme allows the Institute to invite reputable international scientists to Vietnam and create favorable conditions for Vietnamese scientists to have access to best ideas and actual achievements of science in the World. The VIASM is managed by a Board of Directors which consists of a Scientific Director, a Managing Director and one or two Deputy Directors. VIASM invites research groups and individuals to apply for research stay. The candidates will be evaluated by the Scientific Council of the Institute. The evaluation is based on scientific achievements of candidates, the importance and feasibility of research projects, as well as cooperation ability among the proposed research groups. Outstanding researchers will be also invited by the Board of Directors for a joint research project or for giving lectures. International Advisory Board includes a number of scientists or leaders of excellent scientific institution in other countries. Besides sharing their experiences, Advisory Board will assist the Institute in promoting the Institute’s image in the world mathematical community as well as periodic assessment of activities of VIASM.