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falsche Etymologie


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IAST: "Hṛṣīkeśa" (Sanskrit: हृषीकेश) is a name of Vishnu composed of hṛṣīka meaning 'senses' and īśa meaning 'lord', thus 'Lord of the Senses'.[10][11] The name commemorates an apparition of Vishnu to Raibhya Rishi,[12] as a result of his tapasya (austerities), as Lord Hrishikesha.[13] In Skanda Purana, this area is known as Kubjāmraka (कुब्जाम्रक) as Lord Vishnu appeared under a mango tree.[11]

vllt kann ein Verweis auf die weitere, sicher moderne Übersetzung erfolgen: ऋषि (ṛṣi = Seher) und केश (keśa = Haar)

-- 21:12, 29. Jan. 2020 (CET)Beantworten