Diskussion:M. Philips Price

Letzter Kommentar: vor 5 Monaten von Woodcut-like in Abschnitt Anfang Juli 1919 in Moabit

Anfang Juli 1919 in Moabit


Anfang Juli 1919 verbrachte Morgan Philips Price auf Weisung von Reichswehrministers Gustav Noske wegen angeblichem Verbreitens Bolschewistischer Propaganda 4 Tage in der Justizvollzugsanstalt Moabit.Second Army to director of military intelligence, 8 July 1919, TNA: KV/2/568, 37. That Major Richard Trevithick Gilbertstone Tangye (1875 - 1944) was ultimately responsible for Price's arrest is confirmed by a handwritten letter dated 30 Mar. 1931 in which Tangye wrote ‘Both [Price and Robert Minor] were arrested by me in 1919, but for political considerations we had to release them…Other of their co-conspirators were sentenced to imprisonment by a military court – They gave information to the effect that Price & Minor were the ring-leaders’, TNA: KV/2/567, 50a.Manchester Guardian, 5 July 1919, p. 9; ‘Englishman in Berlin prison’, Manchester Guardian, 7 July 1919, p. 7; ‘Philips Price arrested’, Daily Herald, 7 July 1919; ‘In the grip of Noske’, Daily News, 8 July 1919; [1] --Woodcut-like (Diskussion) 16:29, 30. Dez. 2023 (CET)Beantworten

  1. Thomas Wittek, ‎German Historical Institute London · 2011, Auf ewig Feind?: Das Deutschlandbild in den britischen, S. 127; Morgan Philips Price, ‎Tania Rose, Dispatches from the Revolution: Russia, 1916-18, · 1997 S. 155[1]