Diskussion:Karl Obermann

Letzter Kommentar: vor 10 Jahren von in Abschnitt Karl Obermann

Karl Obermann


In 1970 interviewed Karl Obermann and his wife in his apartment in Berlin for an hour. As I recall he was working for the American government, there was defintely no mention of the newspaper where he also worked. Hew recounted that he married during the war. The Honeymoon trip was on bicycles as far as western Pennsylvania. He left the room and his wife was bitter. She recalled that her mother brought her tow children to Brooklyn before the war and returned to Germany alone to work underground for the KPD and never returned. Her brother still lived in Brooklyn and she was very bitter that the GDR authooities would not allow her to visit her brother in Brooklyn. The apartment was typical of the Apparatchik colony, very baren, even Spartan, poorly furnished. No better that those of a factory worker whom I visited in Leipzig. The life style very East Zone. His former students Like Helmut Bleiber spoke of him warmly as a great teacher. (nicht signierter Beitrag von (Diskussion) 19:58, 30. Dez. 2013 (CET))Beantworten