Diskussion:Joseph Oller

Letzter Kommentar: vor 11 Jahren von Roland Scheicher in Abschnitt Defekte Weblinks

Wer ist Pierre Oller, der 1865 den Totalisator erfand? -- Kyber 18:15, 26. Sep. 2007 (CEST)Beantworten


Autotote France can trace its history back to the legendary figure of Joseph Oller, founder and inventor of Pari-Mutuel Wagering. Joseph Oller was one of the most famous Parisian characters of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Born in 1839 in Terrassa, Spain, his family settled in Paris in 1842. When he left college he returned to Spain to study at Bilbao University. It was in this town that cockfighting, which always had strong quarrels concerning bets, gave him the idea to set up standard rules which would give no doubt to the winner of the bet. This is now officially recognized worldwide as the beginning of Pari-Mutuel Wagering.

The first totalizer was patented in 1868 to Joseph Oller and was called "Poule Oller". The popularity of Oller's organization and method quickly grew and it was soon in demand by the Parisian Racetracks. The old name, SEPMO comes from the words: Societe' d'Exploitation du Pari Mutuel Oller.

Today, Autotote France acts as a service company that runs the entire operation for the Racetracks of the Province of France and provide services and support to the Parisian Racetracks.

1850 werden die Wiesen und Felder entlang der Seine Jacques Laffitte von einer Immobiliengesellschaft abgekauft und dann durch Joseph Oller der sie in Pferdelaufbahnen umgestaltet. 1878 wird die Laufbahn in ein Hippodrome umgewandelt welche die ersten Trainer anlockt, die sich genauso wie viele Rennställe niederlassen.


The pool method was invented in 1864 by Joseph Oller (1839–1922), a French impresario and part-time bookmaker. He also solved the problem of the time-consuming work of dividing the prize money among the winners in proportion to the size of their wagers by inventing a mechanical machine, the compteur totalisateur, to perform the necessary...


Links wurden entfernt Roland Scheicher (Diskussion) 13:26, 17. Sep. 2012 (CEST)Beantworten