kann jmd. die den Artikel noch weiter ausformn?? Er ist einfach unzureichend und nicht mit Bildern oder ähnliches zur greifliche Schau begriffen.


das die Ghuriden eindeutig iranischstämmig waren ist gar nicht wahr.deshalb hab ich den satz entfernt.nebenbei bemerkt gibt es mehr quellen die die Ghuriden als Türken akzeptieren.das berichten sogar zeitgenössische quellen.

In the 12th century the Ghurid Turks were driven out of Khorasan (Encyclopadia Britannica)

Ghurid Turks defeat the Ghazni Turks in the Punjab [1]

that the reasons for the ultimate victory of the Ghurid Turks and their ... (The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 25, No. 2 (Feb., 1966), pp. 353-354 )

And Ghurid Turks are noted to have reached and made sporadic settlements in Manipur by 1210s (Imphal Free Press (IFP: 3.12.03. ...[2]

... Bengal down the eastern frontier; thus far off Tripura and Sylhet were conquered by the Ghurid Turks in 1303 C.E. which indeed started from 1204C. ... [3]

... the Ghurid Turks who established an empire based in Delhi in the thirteenth, the Tughluks in the fourteenth, or the Great Mughals who invaded India from ... [4]

Their immense wealth was one of the factors that encouraged the Ghaznavid and Ghurid Turks to invade India after the 11th century. ... [5]

... in the quantity and quality of coins reflected the economic decline.7 The arrival of the Ghurid Turks in 200 ushered in an era of growth and prosperity. ... (Modern Asian Studies, Vol. 21, No. 3 (1987), pp. 447-471)[6]

The following empires in Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa were Turkish dynasties- 1. The Karahans (990-1212 AD) 2. The Ghaznavids in Northwest India (963-1186 AD) 3. The Seljuks (1040- 1308 AD) 4. The Ottomans (1299-1918 AD) 5. The Ghurids in Afghanistan and NW India (1161-1206 AD). [7]

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