Diskussion:Evangelische Superintendentur A. B. Galizien

Letzter Kommentar: vor 7 Jahren von D T G in Abschnitt Pfarrgemeinden: Warum nur „Auswahl“

Pfarrgemeinden: Warum nur „Auswahl“


Im Jahr 1913 gab es 33 Pfarrgemeinden in der Superintendentur, auch weitere Pfarrgründungen bis 1918 sind theoretisch möglich. Das sind mehr als in der Liste der Pfarrgemeinden derzeit angegeben, die sich nur auf im Artikel belegte Einträge stützt. Das Ziel wäre es natürlich, eine vollständige Liste im Artikel zu haben, dafür wären also noch belegte Nachträge erforderlich. --Funke (Diskussion) 13:33, 19. Okt. 2013 (CEST)Beantworten

Unterwalden wurde erst 1884 Pfarrgemeinde. D T G (Diskussion) 14:30, 26. Jan. 2017 (CET)Beantworten


Josefsberger Kirche und Pfarrhaus

Ich bin erstaunt, dass alle bisherigen Bilder aus dem 21. Jahrhundert stammen, während doch der Artikel die Zeit bis 1918 betrifft. Ich habe drei historische Aufnahmen von alten Postkarten hochgeladen, darunter auch eins von der Josefsberger Kirche mit dem noch unveränderten Turm. --Dornfeldenkel9 (Diskussion) 11:03, 8. Jan. 2015 (CET)Beantworten



In 1902 the name of Superintendentur was changed from "Lemberger" to "Galizien und Bukowina". D T G (Diskussion) 17:51, 23. Okt. 2013 (CEST)Beantworten

More of history


I was reading this book about Josephinische Kolonisation (I've expanded pl:Kolonizacja józefińska) and I can write a bit what it tells about the religion. The oldest parish in Galicia was in Zaleszczyki. It was an older village where Rudolf Oettykier built in 1750 a clothing fabric and workers' housing estate. The German workers came from Prussia and Saxony and were lutherans. They were told to have a freedom of religion but in fact a local bishop forbid them to built a bethaus. So Oettykier managed to organise a parish for them on the oposite site of the border river (Dnister) in village Filipcze, in Moldavien, in 1759 and so it is the founding year for the parish. However in 1766 they were forbidden to cross the border to Filipcze. After partitioning 1772 on the oposite site of the province existed a town Biala, which was founded most probably by lutherans from Bielitz in 16th century, but they did not have a church. In 1774 Maria Theresia issued a patent which allowed to create protestant parishes in Zaleszczyki, Lemberg, Jaroslau and Zamość (Zamość was transferred to Russia in 1809), and it was also planned the same for Kazimierz near Kraków and in Brody. Kazimierz was lost by Austria in 1776 and therefore they created a new town of [:pl:Podgórze (Kraków)]]. In september 1781 Podgórze and Biala were also allowed by Joseph II to have a parishes, a month before Toleranzpatent. Later was a proper colonisation. In total over 3200 families were settled (around 14400 people). In 1786 3087 families were already recorded, 1445 (46,8%) were lutherans, 398 (12,8%) were reformed, 28 (0,9%) were mennonits, 398 (12,8%) were catholics. Their first parishes of rural settlers were organised in Stadlau and Reichsheim. Till 1788 the settlers had built 4 bethauses (Stadlau, Reichsheim, Reichau, plus Podgórze, the bethaus in Brigidau was just started being built), and with other bethauses/churches there were 10 in Galicia. In 1790 there were 12 parishes in Galicia altogether. I believe this all should be also written in this book: Samuel Bredetzky: Historisch-statistischer Beytrag zum deutschen Kolonialwesen in Europa, 1812. D T G (Diskussion) 19:11, 9. Nov. 2013 (CET)Beantworten

I googled this article in english: The Bukovina-Germans During the Habsburg Period: Settlement, Ethnic Interaction, Contributions, and added 4 parishes from page 97, but the citing doesn't seem to work. D T G (Diskussion) 10:27, 19. Nov. 2013 (CET)Beantworten



1. Wem gehörte die lutherische Kirche in Einsingen, heute, Dewjatyr photo ? 2. In Augustdorf - Stadtteil von Snjatyn, gab es in 1875 nur eine Filialgemeinde von Kolomea/Baginsberg. D T G (Diskussion) 13:21, 6. Dez. 2016 (CET)Beantworten