Hello, German friends. I wrote the original Featured article on Colley Cibber in en.Wikipedia, here, of which this is a very short version. If you're interested in seeing the original Featured article vote, it's here. Anyway, what I dropped by for was to say that my German isn't up to much, but I can see you've got a kinda "false friend" word in the description of Cibber's personality. I had called him "brash", by which I meant to say impudent, self-assertive, forward, fresh. A brash person is a lightweight chatterbox who takes too much on himself. The German word "barsch" conjures up (surely?) a completely different idea of a person's presence and manner. I've taken the liberty of changing it to "frech", though it IS a liberty, with my poor German. Hopefully somebody out there can improve my suggestion. Best wishes, Bishonen 11:47, 27. Apr 2005 (CEST)

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