Entschuldigung, schreib'ich Deutsch nicht so gut. "Chinook Wawa" ist nicht bekannt auf Deutsch, und wie gibt es the "indigenous name" [for a certain context and group] es war nicht die Nahmen das war gebraucht durch allt der Nord-Ouest; das var "Chinook Jargon" oder "Chinook". in Englisch: "Chinook Wawa" is an "affectation" of pro-nativist linguists and while preferred by speakers of the creole dialect used in Grand Ronde, Oregon, even in their system it's "Chinuk Wawa"; "wawa" in wider usage tended to mean speech or words or a parley, rather than "language", for which there was lelang as well as wawa; while King George Wawa and Boston Wawa were historical-use terms, "Chinook Wawa" was NOT, certainly not in regional German (the area was heavily settled during gold-rush and ranching years by Germans who played a major role on the Canadian frontier as also they did in English). Wieder, bitte entschuldigung meine schlect Deutsch; wenn Sie wollen mir schreiben my "username" in en.wikipedia.org ist Skookum1. Viel'dank. 23:22, 4. Okt 2006 (CEST)