Der Artikel lässt die Nennung relevanter Lit. (siehe Lexikon des Mittelalters und einschlägiger Weblinks vermissen


De mundi universitate (i.e. Cosmographia), edd. C. S. Barach-J. Wrobel, 1876 
P. Dronke, 1978 [Engl. Übers.: W. Wetherbee, The Cosmographia of Bernardus Silvestris, 1973] 
Experimentarius, ed. M. Brini Savorelli, Rivista critica di storia della filosofia 14, 1959, 283-342 


DSB II, 21f. [Lit.] 
E. Gilson, La cosmogonie de B. S., AHDLMA 3, 1928, 5-24 
Th. Silverstein, The fabulous cosmogony of B. S., Modern Philology 46, 1948, 92-116 
G. Padoan, Tradizione e fortuna del commento all'Eneide di B. S. (Italia med. e umanistica 3, 1960), 227-240 
J. R. O'Donnell, The sources and meaning of B. S.'s Commentary on the Aeneid, MSt 24, 1962, 233-249 
R. Lemay, The De mundi universitate of B. S. (Abu Ma'shar and latin Aristotelianism in the twelfth c., Beirut 1962), 258-284 B. Stock, Myth and science in the twelfth c. A study of B. S., 1972 
W. Wetherbee, Form and inspiration in the poetry of B. S. (Platonism and poetry in the twelfth c., 1972), 152-186 
E. Jeauneau, Commentaire sur Martianus Capella (Lectio philosophorum, 1973), 39-48 
P. Dronke, William of Conches and the Martianus Commentary of B. S., Mél. E.-R. Labande, 1974), 233-235.

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