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English: This figure shows historical carbon dioxide (right axis) and reconstructed temperature (as a difference from the mean temperature for the last 100 years) records based on Antarctic ice cores, providing data for the last 800,000 years.

This figure was produced by Leland McInnes using python and matplotlib and is licensed under the GFDL. All data is from publicly available sources.

  1. (red) EPICA Dome C temperature data:
  2. (dark blue) Vostok CO2 data:
  3. (steel blue) EPICA DomeC temperature data, 423-391 kybp:
  4. (pale blue) EPICA DomeC CO2 data, 650-413 kybp:
  5. (cyan) EPICA DomeC CO2 data, 800-650 kybp:
  6. Current CO2 level: Carbon dioxide#Concentrations of CO2 in atmosphere
Quelle Eigenes Werk (Own work)
Urheber Leland_McInnes (talk) (Uploads)
Andere Versionen

Source code

The image was created with the following script, making use of the matplotlib library.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
def smooth(signal, window_size):
extended_signal = signal[window_size:0:-1] + signal + signal[-1:-window_size:-1]
s = np.array(extended_signal)
w = np.hamming(window_size)
y = np.convolve(w/w.sum(), s, mode="same")
return y[window_size:-window_size+1]

temp_file = open("EDC_dD_temp_estim.csv")
data_rows = [x.split() for x in temp_file if not x.startswith("#") and len(x.split()) == 5]
temp_years = [float(x[1]) for x in data_rows]
raw_temp_vals = [float(x[3]) for x in data_rows]
temp_vals = list(smooth(raw_temp_vals[:4000], 50)) + list(smooth(raw_temp_vals[4000:6000], 10)) + raw_temp_vals[6000:]
co2_file1 = open("Vostok_CH4_CO2_age.csv")
data_rows = [x.split("\t") for x in co2_file1 if not x.startswith('"')]
co2_years1 = [float(x[0]) for x in data_rows if x[2] != "\n"]
co2_vals1 = [float(x[2].strip()) for x in data_rows if x[2] != "\n"]
co2_file2 = open("EDC_CO2_423-391_kyr_BP.csv")
data_rows = [x.split() for x in co2_file2 if not x.startswith('"')]
co2_years2 = [float(x[1]) for x in data_rows]
co2_vals2 = [float(x[2]) for x in data_rows]
co2_file3 = open("EDC_CO2_650-413_kyr_BP.csv")
data_rows = [x.split() for x in co2_file3 if not x.startswith('"')]
co2_years3 = [float(x[1]) for x in data_rows]
co2_vals3 = [float(x[2]) for x in data_rows]
co2_file4 = open("EDC99_CO2_bern.csv")
data_rows = [x.split() for x in co2_file4 if x.startswith("3")]
co2_years4 = [float(x[1]) for x in data_rows]
co2_vals4 = [float(x[2]) for x in data_rows]
plt.title("Temperature and CO$_2$ Records", size=28)
temp_ax = plt.axes()
tline = plt.plot(temp_years, temp_vals, "red")
plt.ylabel(u"Temperature anomaly (°C)", size=16)
plt.xlabel("Thousands of Years Ago", size=16)
co2_ax = plt.axes([0.125,0.1,0.775,0.8], frameon=False)
cline1 = plt.plot(co2_years1, co2_vals1, "#0000AA")
cline2 = plt.plot(co2_years2, co2_vals2, "#2288AA")
cline3 = plt.plot(co2_years3, co2_vals3, "#44AAFF")
cline4 = plt.plot(co2_years4, co2_vals4, "#88DDFF")
plt.ylabel("Atmospheric CO$_2$ (ppm)", size=16)
plt.annotate("Current CO$_2$ level", (2,386.36), (300,386.36), xycoords="data", arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->"))
plt.legend((tline, cline1, cline2, cline3, cline4), ("Temperature (EPICA Dome C)", "CO$_2$ (Vostok)", "CO$_2$ (EPICA Dome C)", "CO$_2$ (EPICA Dome C)", "CO$_2$ (EPICA Dome C)"), "upper left", prop=FontProperties(size=9), pad=0.1, handletextsep=0.005)


Leland McInnes aus der englischsprachigen Wikipedia, der Nutzungsrechtsinhaber dieses Werkes, veröffentlicht es hiermit unter der folgenden Lizenz:
w:de:Creative Commons
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Namensnennung: Leland McInnes aus der englischsprachigen Wikipedia
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Ursprüngliches Datei-Logbuch

Die ursprüngliche Dateibeschreibungsseite war hier. Alle folgenden Benutzernamen beziehen sich auf en.wikipedia.
Version vom Maße Benutzer Kommentar
2009-01-11 20:50 720×540× (230122 bytes) Leland McInnes
2007-01-14 00:29 1052×744× (40671 bytes) Leland McInnes (reverse direction of time scale)
2006-11-04 17:22 1052×744× (40730 bytes) Leland McInnes
2006-11-04 04:07 1052×744× (42937 bytes) Leland McInnes
2006-11-04 04:03 1052×744× (42931 bytes) Leland McInnes One last try at entering the title
2006-11-04 03:56 1052×744× (39678 bytes) Leland McInnes
2006-11-04 01:04 1052×744× (40314 bytes) Leland McInnes
2006-11-04 01:02 1052×744× (40272 bytes) Leland McInnes This figure shows apparent correlations between historical CO2 and temperature records based on Antarctic ice cores, providing data for the last 650,000 years. Note that deuterium levels differ between Vostok and EPICA ice cores and are therefore plotted
Dieser W3C-unbestimmte Plot wurde mit Matplotlib erstellt.


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Version vomVorschaubildMaßeBenutzerKommentar
aktuell06:21, 6. Sep. 2015Vorschaubild der Version vom 06:21, 6. Sep. 2015720 × 540 (225 KB)OgreBot(BOT): Reverting to most recent version before archival
06:21, 6. Sep. 2015Vorschaubild der Version vom 06:21, 6. Sep. 20151.052 × 744 (40 KB)OgreBot(BOT): Uploading old version of file from en.wikipedia; originally uploaded on 2007-01-14 00:29:34 by Leland McInnes
06:21, 6. Sep. 2015Vorschaubild der Version vom 06:21, 6. Sep. 20151.052 × 744 (40 KB)OgreBot(BOT): Uploading old version of file from en.wikipedia; originally uploaded on 2006-11-04 17:22:45 by Leland McInnes
06:21, 6. Sep. 2015Vorschaubild der Version vom 06:21, 6. Sep. 20151.052 × 744 (42 KB)OgreBot(BOT): Uploading old version of file from en.wikipedia; originally uploaded on 2006-11-04 04:07:29 by Leland McInnes
06:21, 6. Sep. 2015Vorschaubild der Version vom 06:21, 6. Sep. 20151.052 × 744 (42 KB)OgreBot(BOT): Uploading old version of file from en.wikipedia; originally uploaded on 2006-11-04 04:03:23 by Leland McInnes
06:21, 6. Sep. 2015Vorschaubild der Version vom 06:21, 6. Sep. 20151.052 × 744 (39 KB)OgreBot(BOT): Uploading old version of file from en.wikipedia; originally uploaded on 2006-11-04 03:56:48 by Leland McInnes
06:21, 6. Sep. 2015Vorschaubild der Version vom 06:21, 6. Sep. 20151.052 × 744 (39 KB)OgreBot(BOT): Uploading old version of file from en.wikipedia; originally uploaded on 2006-11-04 01:04:39 by Leland McInnes
06:21, 6. Sep. 2015Vorschaubild der Version vom 06:21, 6. Sep. 20151.052 × 744 (39 KB)OgreBot(BOT): Uploading old version of file from en.wikipedia; originally uploaded on 2006-11-04 01:02:05 by Leland McInnes
02:24, 5. Sep. 2015Vorschaubild der Version vom 02:24, 5. Sep. 2015720 × 540 (225 KB)HiperfelixTransferred from en.wikipedia

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