

Hallo GashomyWiki95, lass bitte umgehend das permanente Einfügen eines Screenshots in Tom bildet sich. Das Bild hat einen LA auf Commons und mindestens so lange, bis der Sachverhalt geklärt ist, bleibt das Bild draußen. Ansonsten müsstest du einfach mal darlegen, was der Artikel mit dem englischen Titel auf de.wp verloren hat. Ich sehe da keinerlei Mehrwert, btw. auch keinen Mehrwert in dem Typografiebild an sich. Bebilderung einfach um der Bebilderung willen ist nicht sinnvoll. --Paulae 13:12, 9. Jan. 2016 (CET)Beantworten

Paulae: Dies ist das Titel-Bildschirm, nicht "Bild hinzufügen bis Vergnügen". GashomyWiki95 (Diskussion) 17:45, 9. Jan. 2016 (CET)Beantworten
Hm? You may answer me in English, if that is easier for you. --Paulae 18:03, 9. Jan. 2016 (CET)Beantworten
Paulae: OK, I don't speak good German. So, the Mouse Trouble title card file is on Commons, it just shows the short logo and credits. I don't see a reason for remove the file while there is on the French and Italian articles. GashomyWiki95 (Diskussion) 20:48, 11. Jan. 2016 (CET)Beantworten
Commons only means that it applies to US law. US law is not the same as Germany Urheberrecht and we cannot use a lot of material from Commons due to German law (i.e. film stills of movies, whose copyright has expired in the US, cause the copyright was not renewed or it was published without a copyright notice – those stills are still copyright protected under German law, that has other rules). Therefore you cannot put pics, that are on Commons, simply on pages of de.wp. We want to make sure, that users in D-A-CH (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) can reuse all material they find on de.wp, without copyright infringement. So if you are unaware of German Urheberrecht or have no idea about it at all, and several people working here tell you, that a pic is likely to be not ok on de.wp, please just stop putting than pic in articles. It's actually pretty easy. Additionally in the past we've had long and frustrating discussions on wheather title cards or even logos add to an article or are mere senseless and should not be used at all (that discission focussed on title cards in German, title cards in other languages weren't even considered, for they usually doesn't mean anything to German speaking audiences, e.g. Tom and Jerry usually had either Tom or Jerry in the title). So there is no additional value in the English title card + it could lead to confused readers, cause the title card would be dominant in the (rather small) article. I'm still interested in your arguments though („it's in some way a colourful picture and adds … colour“ would not be an argument ;-)). --Paulae 22:48, 11. Jan. 2016 (CET)Beantworten