Berliner Mauer


Hi Ericmetro, the title of your graphic is wrong. The one you replaced was a photo taken from an information sign probably made for east-german frontier soldiers. "Gegenwärtig" means actually, "Staatsgrenze zu Berlin-West" was the official GDR-term for the Berlin Wall. You should better write "Aufbau der Grenzanlagen um West-Berlin in den 1980er Jahren" (Structure of the frontier installations around West-Berlin in the 1980s) or something like that.

Two other minor mistakes: Führungsstellen must be separated as Füh-rungsstellen or better as Führungs-stellen, and you forgot the first "n" in Hinterlandmauer (possible separation: Hin-ter-land-mauer)

Best wishes, --Roehrensee (Diskussion) 18:59, 13. Feb. 2013 (CET)Beantworten