Satanic Warmaster


Stop that. The classification as NSBM is founded within the article and your machine-translated contributions are pure nonsense. ‏הגות‎414 22:47, 24. Jul. 2014 (CEST)Beantworten

So basically it has nothing to do with the artist's actual political views as long as someone decides to label him NSBM based on things they don't like?

Did you delete my comment on the public side? Why are you being so obviously hostile? I recently interviewed this artist for a youth magazine here in Finland and I must say he's one of the last true rockers in this world.

  1. No, I moved it to the bottom of the talk page, where it belongs.
  2. You're not the first and not the only one fanboying for a band. I prefer to keep those discussions distinct and short, since the points presented are always and every time the same.
  3. Congratulations for the interview. That matters here as much as your opinion on the band or my opinion on who the last really true rockers are. Wikipedia, no matter what language version we’re speaking about, presents facts, confirmed by trustworthy and preferably neutral and objective sources. The claims the article makes regarding Satanic Warmaster’s political presentation are all referenced according to our rules.
‏הגות‎414 22:23, 25. Jul. 2014 (CEST)Beantworten

Whose rules?

Also, would you then be interested in helping out to present also updated facts of this band to wikipedia? I would've liked to do it myself but obviously I am challenged linguistically.

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