This article is a translation from the article XYZ from the ??:Wikipedia in the version of Link to translated version.

Gàidhlig version


Tha an Special Import fosgailte a-nise. Leis an inneal seo s’urrainnear artagail luchdachadh a-null (le eachdraidh na duilleige a-rèir GNU) bho Wikipedia English (Beurla), Deutsch (Gearmailtis), Gaeilge (Gàidhlig na h-Èireann) agus Gaelg/Gailck (Gàidhlig Mhanainn) airson eadar-theangachadh.

  • Taghadh am Wiki (en, de, ga, gv) cò às a tha an aiste.
  • Cuir ainm tùsail ann (Tiotal na h-aiste ann an en, de, ga, gv)
  • Taghadh an option: "Copy all history versions for this page"
  • Taghadh namespace: "(prìomh)" airson mainspace neo "all"
  • As dèidh an import bidh an aiste a’ nochdadh leis an tiotail tùsail. Gluais an aiste gu tiotail Gàidhlig agus tòisich air eadar-theangachadh a dhèanamh.



An toiseach faighnich do rianaire (admin) Import a dhèanamh mus dean thu eadar-theangachadh.

English version


The Special Import is open now. With this tool it is possible for admins to import articles (with their complete versions history according to the GNU, works up to 500 versions) from the English (Beurla), Deutsch (Gearmailtis), Gaeilge (Gàidhlig na h-Èireann) agus Gaelg/Gailck (Gàidhlig Mhanainn) Wikipedia for translation purpose.

  • Choose the Wiki from which you would like to make the import.
  • Add the original title
  • Click the option: "Copy all history versions for this page"
  • Choose the namespace: (prìomh) for Mainspace or “all”
  • After the import you see the article under the original name. Move it to the appropriate Gàidhlig name, then start translating.

First ask any admin to import the article for you before starting and translating it.