Stichwortsammlung Recht


Keyword collection: Law

  • society has a lot of laws and a lot of different kinds of laws
    • laws of physics (Newton, Einstein)
    • Kepler's laws of planetary motion
    • laws of biology (Mendel)
    • laws of nature
    • laws of the game
  • in society laws are rules which you have to obey
  • laws form our society
  • in a democracy laws are made by goverment, therefore we as voters make our laws
    • a force/group checks that the rules are followed
    • a court will punish those who do not follow the rules
  • laws follow changes in societies
  • as an ideal, justice is an alternative to violence
  • laws reflect our current society
  • laws are mostly pointing negatively: You may NOT, You shall NOT
  • power and money can corrupt laws


  • Are we all equal under law?
  • Is the enforcement party fully independent and does it operate without reservations or prejudgement?
  • Are the courts independent?
  • Did we as a society progress law-wise? Meaning are we better of nowadays or is there still room for improvements?
  • How about international laws, Would that be possible or are state-affairs more important than global unified laws?