Stichwortsammlung Kunst

  • bezeichnet im weitesten Sinne jede Tätigkeit, die auf Wissen, Übung, Wahrnehmung, Vorstellung und Intuition gegründet ist (Heilkunst, Kunst der freien Rede)
  • Kunst ist ein menschliches Kulturprodukt

Keyword Collection: Art

  • is the process or product of deliberately and creatively arranging elements in a way that appeals to the senses or emotions
  • is a human activity, made with the intention of stimulating thoughts and emotions
  • the definition of art is dependent on general or inidividual human experience
  • art is not an absolute value, but depends on, and varies with, the human experience of different humans
  • visual art is the arrangement of colors, forms, or other elements "in a manner that affects the sense of beauty
  • the work of art often expresses emotions of the creator
  • it is not important if a work of art is an original work or a copy
  • art should be the combination of technical skills ànd a creative mind
  • everybody can make such a work of art if he/she has the skills and the creativity and this person has not to be famous
  • it seems some people call something art to shock people
  • some people create something just to fill in walllsapce
  • art should have an impact on people’s ideas, senses, feelings, thoughts, etc. - although different people are moved by very different things
    • some photos can make me cry but it is the subject, not just the art of the photographer
    • movies can make you cry
    • art can me make angry
  • art is art, when people call it art
  • sometimes I cannot understand why they call it art
  • art can be: cooking, painting, music, literature, singing, playing piano etc....
  • it makes a difference if you create ART with the intention to make money, or if you create ART with the intention to touch someones soul (like broadcasting to anyone who can receive)
  • it is difficult or even impossible to create truly original art
  • I never would pay millions of Euros/Dollars for a work of art
  • being a famous artist and making money helps to create art
  • art sometimes is an object of speculation and investment
  • people are often pretending to know what the artist meant, but YOU can only know what YOU see in it


  • Is aesthetic quality an absolute value independent of any human view?
  • When do you personally call something a work of art?
  • Should art be subsidized by the government?
  • Who is the artist? - the composer or the performer?
  • Can art be judged objectively?
  • Is art something, because it is sold for much money?
  • What comes first, making art or being a famous artist?
  • Can computers or robots create art?

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