Stichwortsammlung Diskriminierung


Keyword Collection: Discrimination

  • Discrimination toward or against a person or group is the treatment or consideration based on class or category rather than individual merit
  • is usually associated with prejudice
  • it can be behavior promoting a certain group (e.g. affirmative action)
  • it can be negative behavior directed against a certain group (e.g. redlining) – this is the more common meaning
  • in order to avoid discrimination there needs to be a balance of power in the society
  • religous and cultrual beliefs should not be banned – when they follow the laws, the government should not interfere
  • laws should protect people in particular situations ... regardless of who they are or where they come from
  • we all discriminate a bit or more or less in our everyday-life
  • discrimination is judging groups


  • Do you think positive discrimination is right?
  • Is it good using positive discrimination for fighting negative discrimination? (use of sexism or racism to combat it)
  • Is discrimination always bad?
  • Shall employers have the right to choose whoever they would want as employees?