Benutzer:Robert Sommer Award/RobertSommerAward

Robert Sommer Award

Robert Sommer Award Medal

The Robert Sommer Medal is awarded during the GISS Conference (Gießen International Schizophrenia Symposium) to honour the best contributions made by a senior researcher during the past years in the field of schizophrenia. Only the best researchers in the field will be taken into account. The previous awardees chose the winner. The name of the winner is communicated during the GISS Conference.

The Robert Sommer Award Medal was initiated for the 100th anniversary of the Centre for Psychiatry at Justus Liebig University School of Medicine, Giessen, Germany. The medal had originally been created as a memory medal by the Centre's founder, Robert Sommer, to be presented to his dear guests and colleagues.

Robert Sommer (1864 to 1937) established the Centre for Psychiatry in Giessen in 1896. He was also a founder of the worldwide first Society for Experimental Psychology. He was well-known for his readiness to follow uncommon routes of thought and to engage in matters far beyond the field of psychiatry. Robert Sommer was in close touch with all leading neuroscientists of his time, and he was a close friend of Wilhelm Wundt, the father of experimental psychology, who held the Chair of Psychology in Leipzig, Germany.





Robert Sommer (Mediziner)