There once was an editor bold and keen,

Who worked all night on the wiki screen.
With a coffee cup by the glowing sheen,
He typed through day and night.

Soon may the edits end,
To bring him peace and sleep again.
One day when the work is done,
He'll rest and write no more.

He sipped one cup, then he brewed one more,
As he fixed typos and added lore.
The caffeine surged, his heart it tore,
But still, he pressed for more.

Soon may the edits end,
To bring him peace and sleep again.
One day when the work is done,
He'll rest and write no more.

The articles grew, but his sleep did fade,
As the coffee fueled the edits he made.
His hands they shook, but he wasn’t swayed,
By the endless stream of tasks.

Soon may the edits end,
To bring him peace and sleep again.
One day when the work is done,
He'll rest and write no more.

His eyes grew red, but he couldn’t stop,
As he searched for sources, every drop.
Citation needed, the warnings popped,
And his sanity unraveled.

Soon may the edits end,
To bring him peace and sleep again.
One day when the work is done,
He'll rest and write no more.

With each new cup, his mind did race,
Through endless edits in every place.
He muttered rules, his heart kept pace,
As the coffee took control.

Soon may the edits end,
To bring him peace and sleep again.
One day when the work is done,
He'll rest and write no more.

He battled vandals with trembling hands,
Patrolled the pages across the lands.
Delete requests came in like sands,
Till his head was spinning fast.

Soon may the edits end,
To bring him peace and sleep again.
One day when the work is done,
He'll rest and write no more.

He laughed out loud at the citation pleas,
As he linked to sources with shaky ease.
But his sanity cracked with the coffee’s squeeze,
And he slipped into a haze.

Soon may the edits end,
To bring him peace and sleep again.
One day when the work is done,
He'll rest and write no more.

His screen was filled with endless text,
As he fought the urge to fix what’s next.
But the caffeine curse left him perplexed,
And his thoughts were torn apart.

Soon may the edits end,
To bring him peace and sleep again.
One day when the work is done,
He'll rest and write no more.

At last, he saw the madness clear,
The coffee’s grip, the endless fear.
So he shut it down, no edits near,
And found a moment’s peace.

Soon may the edits end,
To bring him peace and sleep again.
One day when the work is done,
He'll rest and write no more.

He walked away from the wiki fight,
Let others battle through the night.
With a final yawn, he saw the light,
And let the caffeine go.

Soon may the edits end,
To bring him peace and sleep again.
One day when the work is done,
He'll rest and write no more.