Benutzer:Ninety Mile Beach/Schreibtisch/Elizabeth Moberly

Elizabeth Moberly

konservative christliche Theologin, eines ihrer Bücher "triggerte" die "Reparative-Therapie-Bewegung" (wohl Ex-Gay) (

Ausführliche Untersuchungen zur Ursache von Homosexualität in den 80er Jahren (

Ph.D. (Doktortitel) in Psychologie der Oxford University für ihre Studien zur Homosexualität (

ehemals forschende Psychologin in Cambridge (

Therapeutin, "Donahue and Shirley veteran" (

Modern reparative therapy is a re-reading of the earlier, psychological research and stems from the clinical work and theories of Elizabeth Moberly, Ph.D., a British theologian and research psychologist, who coined the term during the early 1980s. In her book, "Homosexuality: A new Christian ethic," which is widely read by reparative therapy proponents[citation needed], she suggests that homosexuality is the result of environmental factors coupled with a temperamental predisposition - but primarily, a subject's failure to bond with his father, as opposed to the domineering mother theory in Freudian psychoanalysis. By "reparative therapy" Moberly means that homosexuality is a "reparative drive"; that is, homosexuality is a way to cope with or "repair" broken relationships. She does not mean that reparative therapy repairs anything. See her more technical book: "Psychogenesis: The Early Development of Gender Identity." (aus en:Reparative therapy#History)


  • Suffering, Innocent and Guilty, SPCK 1978, ISBN 0281036233
  • Homosexuality: A New Christian Ethic James Clarke/Attic Press 1983, ISBN 0227678508
  • Psychogenesis: The Early Development of Gender Identity, Routledge Kegan & Paul 1985, ISBN 0710092717
  • Psychology of Self and Other, Routledge Kegan & Paul 1985, ISBN 0422797405