(Wikipedia member and author since 19 July 2013)

Art history mustn’t mean art administry, so let's help Wikipedia!

The three colour portraits of Isabella d'Este in the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna - perhaps including mix-up?

Ambras Miniature — anonymous Mantuan artist (16th century)
Isabella in RotRubens (c. 1605) after Tizian (c. 1524-36)
Isabella in Schwarz (assumed as youthful idealisation after Francesco Francia in 1511) — Tizian (1530s)

Note: After Isabella's death portraits with capigliara were marketed as the famous 'prima donna del mondo'. Isabella in Black is identified by an inscription on a Dutch etching three generations later. There is neither idealisation nor similarity, so this identification is doubtful and the variance might block missing identifications.