Markus Cslovjecsek

Chair of Music Education, School of Education, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (PH FHNW), Switzerland

Markus holds a Chair for Music Education and is a member of the Management Board of the Institute for Secondary Education, which is part of the School of Education in the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland. He shares his experience and perspectives as a visiting professor at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona. As a coordinator, teacher, researcher and author he is particularly interested in the development of an integrated perspective for music in schools. Markus is Co-Editor of a new book series Mousikae Paideia for Lang Publishers. He initiated the European Music Portfolio EU-Comenius Project, was a member of the steering group in EMP – A Creative Way into Languages (2009-2012) and leading partner in EMP – Sounding Ways into Mathematics (2013-2016). Together with others he founded the ISME sigPRIME on Practice and Research in Integrated Music Education and for EAPRIL a collaborative Cloud about Sounds and Arts in Transversal Learning. Markus is responsible for cstools GmbH where he develops innovative learning materials (i.e. creafon, soundOscope) and provides workshops to foster creativity and human resources in organizations and enterprises. As founder and Artistic Director he conducts the Choir Kantorei Solothurn and since 2005 with the Viatores Cantantes he offers cultural journeys all over Europe.