Buddhist Congregation Dharmaling

Dharmaling is a Buddhist organization mostly active in the West. Following the Gelugpa lineage, the head of the organization, Lama Shenphen Rinpoche – a Western reborn and officially recognized Tulku by the Tibetan community – has a non sectarian (Rime) type of approach. Dharmaling’s teachings and practices are traditional, but are adapted to be accessible to Westerners and the life they leave. A regular program of teaching exists in three different countries and more periodical teachings are taking places in other countries where a study group exists. Retreats and seminars are also organized each year. Dharmaling is also active in the humanitarian fields, through Amchi non profit organization created since 1989. Dharmaling is a registered religious community, and a Foundation.



1. Beginning
The existence of Dharmaling depends on the activities of its head in the person of Lama Shenphen Rinpoche, and in the interest manifested by Buddhist or interested persons in different countries. To answer better their needs and demands, an organization was created. First as a non profit organization, Dharmaling started its activities in France and Spain, and then moved to Slovenia where it took root and expended. Dharmaling now exists as a registered religious community in Slovenia and Hungary, and as non profit organization in Austria and Russia. There are several groups apart of these main branches, more organized as study groups, regularly organizing the visits of Lama Shenphen Rinpoche. Lama Shenphen Rinpoche teaches a regular program in Slovenia, Austria and Hungary, following traditional texts – such as “The 37 practices of a Bodhisattva”, “Lam Rim”, “The Wheel of Sharp Weapons”, “The Heart Sutra”, “Lobjong”, … - but also giving teachings on more general subjects to highlight the understanding of some concepts and find a corresponding way to practice them in every day life. Among such subjects are “Peace and Emptiness”, “How to deal with emotions”, “Entering the Vajrayana Path”, “Practice of Bodhicitta in every day life”, ….

2. Extension
As Dharmaling took root in Slovenia, registering to the state as a religious community, it quickly became the most expending religious group in this country. Sociologist became very interested in this movement and started to have a close look at the community. Nowadays this study has evolved in cooperation, and Lama Shenphen Rinpoche is regularly invited in schools, high schools and university to introduce Buddhism and answer the different question. As it expended in Slovenia, Dharmaling got also registered as a religious community in Hungary where, becoming more structured, a regular program of teaching and practices took place. To answer the need and demands of the different practitioners and regular visitors, Dharmaling separated its activities between the congregation and a foundation more dedicated to all organizational and financial matters. Soon after a house was purchased in Ljubljana and became the first consecrated Buddhist temple in Slovenia. Dharmaling also rented a flat in Hungary, which gave the possibility to install a small temple and host regular activities and practices for the local community.

Spiritual teachers and lineage


1. Lama Shenphen Rinpoche
Main teacher and spiritual director of the organization Lama Shenphen Rinpoche was born in 1969 in France. Lama Shenphen formally engaged into Buddhism at age 16, when he took refuge and became a monk, entering Nalanda monastery. In 1990, being 21 years old, Rinpoche took the full monk ordination with His Holiness the Dalaï-Lama in Dharamsala. Rinpoche is the Tulku of Lama Gendun Rabgye, from Kharnang monastery (Kham).

2. Visiting teachers
Dharmaling aims at inviting teachers of different lineages of Buddhism. Geshes and Lamas are regularly invited for some days or some months. As visiting teachers Dharmaling received Geshe Khedrup a Lharampa Geshe from Sera-Jhe monastery, and Tulku Gyatso a Rinpoche from Kham (Tibet).

3. Lineage
The main transmission of teaching and practices is coming from the Gelugpa tradition, but also from Nyingma and Kagyupa schools. Following advises of Lama Shenphen Rinpoche and to do not confuse practitioners the main practices are more Gelugpa. More advanced practitioners are able to follow texts from other traditions. Teachings can be given according to the tradition of the four different school of Buddhism (Gelug, Sakya, Kagyu, Nyingma), depending of the type of transmission received. Lama Shenphen Rinpoche cites as main teachers Gomo Tulku, Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Kensur Rinpoche Geshe Tekchog, His Holiness the Dalaï Lama and Lama Gendune Rinpoche.

Dharmaling Sangha is composed if the traditional ordained Sangha - with monks and nuns of different levels of ordination, from Rabjung to Gelong – but also comprises by extension the community of lay practitioners of different countries. Having the main center in Slovenia, being able to host visitors, there is often an interesting mix of practitioners from different countries participating together in the different activities.

Activities and financing

Dharmaling Temple in Ljubljana

1. Program of teachings
Dharmaling Program is composed of regular teachings on traditional texts and more general lectures. According to the time and place Rinpoche chooses to follow on a series of teaching, sometimes over several months a specific text, or to give a talk on a specific subject. When Rinpoche feels that the basics have been understood and that a regular practice is taking place, he performs initiations of basic deities or invites other teachers to do it. A text of practice is translated in the language of the country and explained.

2. Practices
Different practices and rituals are organized in this organization. From the regular public practices, open to all, from concentrative and analytic meditation sessions, regular practices of some Buddhas - following a traditional text translated in the language of the country - to more elaborated rituals, sometimes on request for a person facing problems, sick or deceased. Dharmaling also offers visit in hospitals, or religious service for deceased.

3. Healings
Recognized hand healer, Lama Shenphen Rinpoche is often solicited for his abilities to help and cure various diseases with his hand, in many countries. Lama Shenphen Rinpoche mixes his healing abilities with the understanding of problems and their resolution coming from the Buddhist teachings. He is also solicited for his divination capacities and performs ‘Mo’ on demand.

4. Humanitarian activities
Through Amchi, non profit organization and since 1989 a sponsorship system has been effective and sponsors today over 60 children and adult in Tibet, Nepal and India. Very selective, Amchi is very attentive to accept only candidates in need, and for whom the usage of the sponsorship can be controlled. Active also in Russia, Slovenia and Tibet, Amchi has been engaged in different projects on the side of health and education in these countries. Dispensaries and showers have been financed, regular help of clothes and medicine is given to orphanage and hospital in Russia, and Amchi is active in Slovenia through collection and redistribution of various items such as soap, clothes, ….

5. Financing
Dharmaling is one of the rare organizations that bases all its activities on donation. All teachings, practices, initiations, are free of charge. While organizing seminars in other places, the fee requested is for covering of the organizational expenses and lodging. Members are encouraged to become responsible and understand the need of a financial participation to support the existence and projects of the organization and of Buddhism as a whole.

[[Category:Buddhist_temples|Dharmaling]] [[Category:Tibetan Buddhist organizations|Dharmaling]] [[Category:Buddhist_temples_by_country|Slovenia|Dharmaling]] [[Category:Buddhist_monasteries|Dharmaling]] [[Category:Tibetan Buddhist monasteries|Dharmaling]] [[Category:Buddhist organizations|Dharmaling]]