ZF Ep 719

Penny bekommt das Angebot, in der Fortsetzung des Films "Serial Ape-ist" ("Serial Ape-ist 2: Monkey See, Monkey Kill") mitzuspielen und kann sich nicht entscheiden, ob sie das Angebot annehmen soll. Sheldon schwankt zwischen zwischen dem Kauf einer Xbox One und einer Playstation 4, und macht Amy mit seiner Unentschlossenheit verrückt. Raj verabredet sich plötzlich mit zwei Mädchen, nachdem er erst Emily wiedertrifft und dann noch eine Nachricht von Lucy bekommt, die ihn ebenfalls wieder sehen möchte.

Season 3, Episode 8 – Aired: 11/16/2009

The Adhesive Duck Deficiency

With the rest of the gang off on a desert camping trip to view the Leonid meteor shower, Sheldon must play hero after Penny slips in the tub and dislocates her shoulder.

Während der Rest der Truppe in der Wüste campiert, um den Leoniden-Schauer zu beobachten, wird Sheldon zum Helden [wider Willen], da Penny in der Badewanne ausrutscht und sich dabei die Schulter ausrenkt

Season 3, Episode 7 – Aired: 11/9/2009

The Guitarist Amplification

Leonard and Penny's first big fight sees Sheldon playing mediator due to childhood trauma that's left him with an inability to be around loud verbal conflicts.

eason 3, Folge 8 - Ausgestrahlt: 11/16/2009 Die selbstklebende Duck-Mangel Mit dem Rest der Bande aus auf einer einsamen Camping-Ausflug auf die Leoniden-Dusche Sicht muss, Sheldon Helden spielen nach Penny rutscht in die Wanne und disloziert die Schulter.

 Staffel 3, Folge 7 - Ausgestrahlt: 11/9/2009

The Guitarist Amplification Leonard und Penny's ersten großen Kampf sieht Sheldon spielen Vermittler durch Kindheitstrauma was übrig geblieben ist ihm mit einer Unfähigkeit zu sein, um laute verbale Konflikte.

--Jarmusch 18:06, 17. Nov. 2009 (CET)

Bit rot en:Bit rot
--Jarmusch 03:09, 18. Nov. 2009 (CET)

Wolowitz invites his girlfriend Bernadette to eat dinner with his friends. Bernadette shows an interest in physics, particularly in the work that Leonard is conducting. The following day, Wolowitz takes Bernadette to work with him in order to show her around the university. Over lunch, Bernadette expresses a desire to watch one of Leonard's experiments. When Bernadette momentarily leaves the table, Wolowitz accuses Leonard of being interested in Bernadette, and warns Leonard not to mess with him. Later, as Wolowitz and Bernadette are making out on Wolowitz's bed, they are interrupted first by Mrs. Wolowitz (who is home early from the senior fitness) and then by a text message addressed to Bernadette, from Leonard, saying that it might weird Howard out if she watches his experiment the following day. When Bernadette inquires if Howard is implying that she requires his permission to socialize with Leonard, Howard replies that it is Leonard who requires permission to socialize with her, causing Bernadette to storm out. The following day, Howard confronts Leonard, claiming that Leonard "text blocked" him. Bernadette arrives to watch Leonard's experiment, at which point Howard apologises, explaining that the reason for him feeling threatened is that he is not, contrary to how it may appear, confident and worldly. Bernadette agrees to give him another chance, and they kiss and make up.

As a result of Bernadette's interest in Leonard's work, Penny seeks out Sheldon to teach her about physics so that she might be able to relate to Leonard and discuss his work. When Penny arrives for her first lesson, she is dismayed to find that Sheldon expects her to take notes and participate in multiple tests. Sheldon begins the study of physics in Ancient Greece, much to the annoyance of Penny, who simply wants to skip to the sections of physics directly relating to Leonard's work. We revisit Penny and Sheldon as Sheldon attempts to explain the discoveries of Newton. Penny is unable to grasp the concept that Sheldon is explaining, and bursts into tears because she feels too stupid to comprehend what Sheldon is teaching. She then begs Sheldon to skip straight to an explanation of what Leonard is studying, at which point he lapses straight back into his original teaching structure.

At dinner, Bernadette descants upon how interesting Leonard's experiment was, causing Leonard to remark that most people aren't interested in what he does. Penny refutes this (attempting to gain favor with Leonard) and proceeds to spout off a clearly pre-prepared spiel which Sheldon has coached her in, repeating Sheldon's viewpoint that Leonard's experiment is functionally identical to the one conducted by a Dutch team of scientists.

The title refers to Penny's suggestion that Sheldon should treat teaching her physics as an experiment. Sheldon subsequently names the experiment "The Gorilla Project," after Koko the gorilla who learned sign language.

!10 | The Gorilla Experiment | 7. Dezember 2009 | |-

A wealthy donor to the university makes Leonard consider how far he's willing to go for the sake of science

Die vier werden vom Universitätspräsidenten zu einer Benefizveranstaltung mit wohlhabenden Gönnern beordert, was Sheldon zunächst ablehnt, bis seine Freundin Amy ihm die Wichtigkeit dieses Unternehmens darlegt. In der Folge ermuntert er Leonard, sich einer wohlhabenden Gönnerin nicht zu verschliessen, die mehr als nur Bekanntschaft von ihm will, denn schliesslich geht es um eine neue "cryogenic centrifugal pump"