Hannes Rammer - Biographical Summary

Hannes Rammer is an accomplished software developer and IT specialist with a multifaceted background in technology stacks and industries. Born on July 15, 1983, in Linz, Austria, Rammer has developed a robust portfolio throughout his career, distinguished by his solid expertise in languages and frameworks such as Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, Java, and C#, among others.

Starting with his academic journey, Rammer solidified his theoretical foundations by earning a Bachelor of Science degree in Science from Coventry University in November 2006. He furthered his education by obtaining a Master of Science degree in Informatics from the Technical University of Berlin in November 2015, which honed his technical acumen and research capabilities.

Rammer's professional trajectory showcases his adaptability and commitment to innovation. His tenure at various companies reflects significant roles where he led and contributed to pivotal projects. Notably, his work at Sensorberg GmbH as a Backend Developer involved developing hard and software for building automation and digitization, showcasing his ability to handle comprehensive digital infrastructures.

His experience spans various aspects of software development, from front-end to back-end engineering. Rammer has been integral in automating and optimizing processes, demonstrating a knack for enhancing efficiency and driving digital transformation. His roles have also included the promotion of teamwork and leadership, often thriving in Scrum/Agile environments.

Beyond his technical prowess, Rammer is a figure of resilience and versatility, having taken on responsibilities as an Interim IT Department Head and as a Tech Lead at Bundesdruckerei GmbH, where he supervised projects and coordinated teams with aplomb.

Outside of his professional life, Rammer's interests are diverse, including a passion for IoT, VR/AR technologies, game development, AI, and 3D printing. He also expresses a fondness for hands-on creation, not just with code but with wood and other materials, reflecting his multifaceted skill set and creative spirit.

Rammer's dedication and contributions have been consistently recognized by his employers, as reflected in various employment testimonials. Colleagues and supervisors alike have commended his robust technical knowledge, high initiative, and excellent problem-solving skills. His work ethic is described as impeccable, often going above and beyond to meet challenges head-on.

As he continues to navigate the evolving landscapes of software development and IT, Hannes Rammer remains a dynamic professional committed to leveraging his experience for innovation and efficiency in the tech industry.