Benutzer:Flavio toneti/LeonaGoldstein

Vorlage:Leona Goldstein

Leona Goldstein (*1976) has studied visual communication in Rome, Dortmund and Berlin. Positioned in feminist and anti-racist struggles her works deal often with invisible as well as physical borders and the self-organization of people in between. In her numerous film- and photo-documentations she´s questioning topics of gender equality, social movements and migration. She has been working worldwide, among others, in Rwanda, Burkina Faso, India, Cuba, Mexico, Vietnam, Cambodia as well as within Europe.

Her works were distinguished with numerous prices and scholarships, amongst other: Berlinale Talent Campus 2011, Kontext-Scholarship for budding journalists (2010), Scholarship of the VG-Bild-Kunst (2009), Selection „Open Eyes“ Nuremberger Filmfestival of Human Rights, scholarship of the German Academic Exchange Service-artist's support (2008), scholarship of the EU commission (2006), XENOS - price of civil-social engagement (2005).

She published 3 books: „24 hours Berlin“ (2009), „displaced –Refugees at Europes borders“ (2008) and „everyday incertitude- Experiences of woman in custody pending deportation“ (2007); as well as several documentarys, beneath them: „Au clair de la lune...“ 40 min (2007) (director, DOP), „Le Heim“ 16 min (2005)(director, DOP), „El Alberto –The walk of a village“ 70 min, (2008),(DOP), „el poder es el pueblo“, 52 min, (2010) (director, DOP). At the moment she is completing her long term documentary project "God is not working on sundays, eh!" documenting the feminist movement in Rwanda,15 years after the genocide.
