Wikipedia:Projektdiskussion/Logo von Wikipedia und Retina

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I am very sorry for not posting in German. The Wikipedia logo used on is not currently optimised for Retina screens although there already exists the Retina-optimised image on Wikicommons. I wonder if anyone can help putting the clearer version up. As far as I know the English Wikipedia is the only one that has updated their logo. --Alexlur (Diskussion) 09:24, 21. Jan. 2015 (CET)[Beantworten]

What is Retina? Could you elaborate? --(Saint)-Louis (Diskussion) 23:12, 23. Apr. 2015 (CEST)[Beantworten]
@Saint-Louis: Ich denke Retina-Displays, also sehr hochauflösende Displays wie sie etwa in neueren Apple-Produkten Verwendung finden. -- 19:01, 20. Jun. 2015 (CEST)[Beantworten]