Diskussion:Rebekah Keat

Letzter Kommentar: vor 14 Jahren von NSH001

Hallo, weiß jemand warum Fr. Keat DQ wurde, war 6 min in T2???Was ist da passiert? Danke

Habe leider auch noch keie Infos dazu - hab nur von der DQ gehört. Wird bestimmt bald zu lesen sein! Gruß, Giacomo1970 08:03, 12. Okt. 2009 (CEST)Beantworten

(von TeamTBB manager)


On race day 9pm we heard that Rebekah was mentioned as DQ-ed on ironmanlive.com. Rebekah and teamTBB manager talked well past midnight that same day with the head referee of the IM Hawaii 2009 event to discuss this Rebekah’s DQ case. This conversation was continued again the day after the race and this is the outcome of these meetings.

The official explanation is that the DQ is caused on the bike by 3 cards for Rebekah as following:

1. Rebekah received a drafting call before and after Hawi. Lengthy and detailed discussions took place on the distance between the reflectors on the road, front wheel, rear wheel and differences between pro race briefing and execution on the course. Bek is firm on respecting the drafting zone. Marshal made the judgement call, head referee sticks to the marshal’s call. Dispute on this call cannot be made (as according to rule book it was judgement call). Respect in the end is required for both athlete and marshal. Rebekah fulfilled first 5 min penalty at Hawi penalty box.

2. Rebekah was shocked by both events as with a total of 10mins penalty her mission to win today’s race seemed pretty much gone as Chrissie was flying on the bike followed by the run. Easier said than done, her mission should have become then to hit at least the podium but she was understandably very upset. In the very last part of the bike ride before returning to T2 she was facing an age group male who was stretching his back and slowing down on his bike. Bek respected distance, committed to overtake and started to get close to passing the rider. Male athlete completed stretching and increased his speed significantly. Rebekah in now already in own lane besides rider getting closer, but realizes with sudden increase in riders speed she had to make a much harder energy burst then desired to completely pass the male athlete, who even further increases his speed a little. She could simply not complete the pass and had to pull back. Marshall made call for slipstreaming / incomplete pass: yellow card!

There was no time penalty for this call. Bek explained and complained to the marshal, but the replay was “It’s my call, I understand what you are saying, but don’t worry it’s just a yellow card, no time penalty”. Well that last part was officially correct, no time penalty, but it pushed Rebekah in a DQ position. This example shows again that the male age group race is again affecting the female pro race in a negative way.

Rebekah is firm there was zero slipstream gain as she had moved out well before 12m to make passing move.

She herself did not realize the DQ situation as a result of the 3 cards at that point of time so continued her way to T2.

Last yellow card was also experienced by many more pro female athletes during the race and today during lunch Lisbeth Kristensen mentioned to me “I received during this race my first card on the bike ever” (edit: she typically likes to lead the bike ride...) for same case as Rebekah of not being able to complete a pass because of significant increase in speed of the male athlete she was passing. She was amazed by this as well!

Head referee spend much time on understanding the 3 cases, but did not want to overrule the marshal’s who made the call and therefore decided to DQ Rebekah.

Rebekah fulfilled her second 5 mins penalty back in T2 and had now lost an extra 10 minutes on leaders and dropped back to 12th position.

She was gutted but started the run and finally recollected herself at about the 10km mark and then delivered a very strong marathon with a 3hrs 04 mins, third fastest run time of the day behind Chrissie and Mirinda.

The head referee only reconciled the individual drafting booklets from all the marshals in the late afternoon. At that point of time (around 9pm) the head referee identified the final yellow card that was made just before the end of the bike ride and made the call to DQ Rebekah and ironmanlive.com was then updated and final results adjusted. Rebekah was not informed about the matter and received news from her partner back in Australia who was shocked reading about the DQ online. Rebekah had no clue what the news was about but the decision was made on the spot together with team manager to go to race office and seek clarity.

After the continued discussions this morning with the head referee, he explained the next possible step in this process is to officially lodge a complaint and start an entire case to dispute the DQ. The point is that if drafting marshals calls are a judgement call which can’t be corrected or overruled by the head referee, then there is very little reason to dispute the DQ itself as that was a race book rule where 3 cards is an automatic DQ.


  • It was a very tough and emotional process for Rebekah who won a sportsmanship award last year in IM Hawaii for providing a CO2 to Chrissie and had high hopes on a podium finish during this race, based on breaking the IM World Record in Roth this year and much improved bike and run since Roth.
  • The head referee took ample time to study the case and was sensitive to both athlete (he explained his own personal stories of fair share of DQ’s in his past races), but also is forced to comply to the IM Hawaii race regulations, which mention “does not allow him to reverse any cards and therefore the DQ”.
  • This case does proof once again that a plea for the women’s race to be started 15 mins ahead of the men's pro race and the men's pro race 5 - 10 mins ahead of the age group start will ensure they can’t have an effect on the female pro race!
  • The entire process was handled in a professional manner with mutual understanding for points debated while human emotions were kept in balance.
  • Teamtbb very much regrets the fact it had little to no choice to accept the head referee’s call, it was a bitter disappointment for Rebekah!
  • Rebekah will seek sportive revenge during the Long Distance World Championships taking place in a few week’s time
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(von ihr Coach, Brett "doc" Sutton) (er schreibt immer mit vielen Gramatik- und Rechtschreibugs-Fehler):

hi, well i have let many people view their personal thoughts to what is construed as beks problem . aprt from bek and her family i can say ,with out doubt nobody is more disspointed , in the outcome than me . however , the team doesnt succeed because we dont view things from the true if hurtful perspective . the team runs on the power of 3 . that means in every thing, we break it up into 3 steps , we dont believe in making it more complicated than that . what ever it is . you come with a problem , that had 5 or 6 points the doc sends you back to the corner and says bring me back 3 and we will find a solution . sol ets put it to bed , before we start to look like slow twtch forum and then we lose one viewer very quickly , namely me .

  • 1/ the cause

bek didnt swim to her full potential . for what ever reason , and there could be many . bottom line she swam 5 min slower than she could have and should have .

this left her vulnerable , to all types of rules and interpretations by officials of those rules not referees fault , not head judges fault , not wtc policy fault . but bek and coaches fault no debate , no discussion we reap what we so.

  • 2/ the calls

i come from a more black and white sport , that a refs decision is final , no argueing , no pity partying , or you get your head punched off by the opposition with in the next 10 sec rebekah did not have the discipline to control her emotions at the time of said infringements and it cost her dearly . whether the decision were right wrong , or in between , doesnt change the call , it doesnt change what needs to be done , to make the very best out of a shitty hand that is dealt . that is your hand , how you play it , is up to the individual . some get inspired , some crack . bek cracked , why cover it over ? that would stop her learning from it and be stronger next time when she wants to win . the calls in race motion , must be adhered to . dont like it , dont race . this is your sport , can it be done better ? well of course , but that is not on the table on race day . you must know the rules and adhere to them . the rules may be stupid , but thats what you signed up for , so know em backwards , i think just not bek but 75% of the pro field would fail a rule test . this is for the athlete to individually address .

  • 3/ the solution

how can it be fixed for the future . that is the easiest problem to fix in the sport . the sport prides itself on tradition. however have failed to see that in developing its brand and product , that the strength of the age group competition has increased so much that the tp 10% of age group men are equal to the working pros of not 20yrs ago but 5 yrs ago . if it was a looped course as so many are these days big problems but as a still traditional out and back course there is no excuse . not to make one change . start the women off 2omin infront of the men pros and 30min ahead of the age group pros with this one stroke , you buy another 10 yrs of racing ,and not have to go back and visit this problem .

just that simple , you get a real womens world championship , and the sport stays the one where age groupers get to be on the same course at the same time as all the pro heroes .

still truely unique , still a fantastic specticle and you take away any inference of missbehavour .

i dont blame wtc for this problem ,but the whole raft of ex athletes working for them , who dont make it extremely clear what happens out there in the real racing world . plenty say "o we do " till the level of i have to take a stand , and then we drop off because we dont want our employ in jeapardy . time for them to stand up support jimmy , and say , its time . this is the easiest way .

there are plenty of different options , that can be put in place , but it does change the race as it has been known , this way keeps all the traditions , intact . lets hope it is enacted on this season .

thank you for your time

the doc

NSH001 02:40, 15. Okt. 2009 (CEST)Beantworten