Diskussion:Dampfstraßenbahn Lagos

Letzter Kommentar: vor 6 Jahren von NearEMPTiness in Abschnitt Gelenklokomotive



Handelt es sich wie in der englischen Quelle behauptet wird wirklich um eine Gelenklokomotive (articulated locomotive) oder hat das Drehgestell ein Langloch quer zur Fahrtrichtung? --NearEMPTiness (Diskussion) 16:10, 31. Mai 2018 (CEST)Beantworten

From a Facebook discussion:
Steve H.: Wiki says it is 'articulated', but is it really? Looks more like a rigid 0-4-4T in the photo.
Stuart T.: We had a look at the works drawings and it’s definitely articulated
Steve H.: Is it the cab that articlates, or is the pivot point under the smokebox?
Stuart T.: It pivots under the smokebox
Steve H.: Ah - makes more sense - thanks, Stuart.
Adrian G: No it doesn't - it pivots in the centre of the wheelbase, look at the girders from the 'carriage frame' and the shape of the loco's frames.
Stephan K.: @Stuart T.: Do you still have the works drawings, so that you could upload them onto facebook? I guess the pivot point is in the middle between the driving wheels, which makes most sense as @Adrian G. kindly pointed out. --NearEMPTiness (Diskussion) 07:08, 1. Jun. 2018 (CEST)Beantworten