Diskussion:Associação Popular Democrática Timorense

Ok. Sorry, I don't speak german, but I came to visit de.wikipedia, and clicked on "random article" (actually, I used [alt-x]), or "Zufälliger Artikel". So I came to this page. Funny enougth, this page has an title in the Portuguese language (I'm brazilian, so this is my first language), but the tittle is wrong. It should be Associação Popular Democrática Timorense, and not Associação Popular Democrática Timorese (you can check [1] if suspecious, or just google for it). note the lack of an 'n' in Timorense. Anyway, I'll try to move the page, but I think you can't do that without any edits in the particular wikipedia. Just letting you people know. algumacoisaqq

Olá, I had some problems to decide what is the right spelling:
But I think, you are right, because you are a native Portuguese speaker and the União Democrática Timorense is written with n, too. --J. Patrick Fischer 23:07, 7. Okt 2006 (CEST)