Hinweis: Leere nach dem Veröffentlichen den Browser-Cache, um die Änderungen sehen zu können.

  • Firefox/Safari: Umschalttaste drücken und gleichzeitig Aktualisieren anklicken oder entweder Strg+F5 oder Strg+R (⌘+R auf dem Mac) drücken
  • Google Chrome: Umschalttaste+Strg+R (⌘+Umschalttaste+R auf dem Mac) drücken
  • Edge: Strg+F5 drücken oder Strg drücken und gleichzeitig Aktualisieren anklicken
( function ( mw, $ ) {
	'use strict';

	// Shorten out if we are not on [[Special:Search]]
	if ( mw.config.get( 'wgCanonicalSpecialPageName' ) !== 'Search' ) {

	function isLoaded() {
		if ( !mw.libs ) {
			mw.libs = {};
		if ( !mw.libs.advancedSearch ) {
			mw.libs.advancedSearch = {};

		if ( mw.libs.advancedSearch.advancedOptionsLoaded ) {
			return true;
		mw.libs.advancedSearch.advancedOptionsLoaded = true;

		return false;

	if ( isLoaded() ) {

	 * @param {string} val
	 * @return {string}
	function trimQuotes( val ) {
		val = val.replace( /^"((?:\\.|[^"\\])+)"$/, '$1' );
		if ( !/^"/.test( val ) ) {
			val = val.replace( /\\(.)/g, '$1' );
		return val;

	 * @param {string} val
	 * @return {string}
	function enforceQuotes( val ) {
		return '"' + trimQuotes( val ).replace( /(["\\])/g, '\\$1' ) + '"';

	 * @param {string} val
	 * @return {string}
	function optionalQuotes( val ) {
		return /\s/.test( val ) ? enforceQuotes( val ) : trimQuotes( val );

	 * @param {string} val
	 * @return {string}
	function formatSizeConstraint( val ) {
		return val.replace( /[\s.]+/g, '' ).replace( /(\d)\D+(?=\d)/g, '$1,' );

	var advancedOptions = [
		// Text
			group: 'text',
			id: 'phrase',
			placeholder: '"…"',
			formatter: function ( val ) {
				return enforceQuotes( val );
			parser: /(?:^| +)"((?:\\.|[^"\\])+)"(?= |$)/gi
			group: 'text',
			id: 'fuzzy',
			placeholder: '…~2',
			formatter: function ( val ) {
				return optionalQuotes( val ) + '~2';
			parser: /(?:^| +)("(?:\\.|[^"\\])+"|[^\s":]+)~2(?= |$)/gi
			group: 'text',
			id: 'not',
			placeholder: '-…',
			formatter: function ( val ) {
				return '-' + optionalQuotes( val );
			parser: /(?:^| +)-("(?:\\.|[^"\\])+"|[^\s":]+)(?= |$)/gi
			group: 'text',
			id: 'hastemplate',
			placeholder: 'hastemplate:…',
			formatter: function ( val ) {
				return 'hastemplate:' + optionalQuotes( val );
			parser: /(?:^| +)\bhastemplate:("(?:\\.|[^"\\])+"|[^\s"]+)/gi
			group: 'text',
			id: 'insource',
			placeholder: 'insource:…',
			formatter: function ( val ) {
				return 'insource:' + ( /^\/.*\/$/.test( val ) ? val : optionalQuotes( val ) );
			parser: /(?:^| +)\binsource:(\/\S+\/|"(?:\\.|[^"\\])+"|[^\s"]+)/gi

		// Titles and headlines
		// local:…
			group: 'title',
			id: 'prefix',
			placeholder: 'prefix:…',
			formatter: function ( val ) {
				return 'prefix:' + val;
			parser: /(?:^| +)\bprefix:(.+)/gi,
			greedy: true
			group: 'title',
			id: 'intitle',
			placeholder: 'intitle:…',
			formatter: function ( val ) {
				return 'intitle:' + optionalQuotes( val );
			parser: /(?:^| +)\bintitle:("(?:\\.|[^"\\])+"|[^\s"]+)/gi

		// Categories
			group: 'categories',
			id: 'deepcat',
			placeholder: 'deepcat:…',
			/* enabled: function () {
				return !!mw.libs.deepCat;
			}, */
			formatter: function ( val ) {
				return 'deepcat:' + optionalQuotes( val );
			parser: /(?:^| +)\bdeepcat:("(?:\\.|[^"\\])+"|\S+)/gi
			group: 'categories',
			id: 'deepcat2',
			placeholder: 'deepcat:…',
			/* enabled: function () {
				return !!mw.libs.deepCat;
			}, */
			formatter: function ( val ) {
				return 'deepcat:' + optionalQuotes( val );
			parser: /(?:^| +)\bdeepcat:("(?:\\.|[^"\\])+"|\S+)/gi
		/* {
			group: 'categories',
			id: 'incategory',
			placeholder: 'incategory:…',
			formatter: function ( val ) {
				return 'incategory:' + optionalQuotes( val );
			parser: /(?:^| +)\bincategory:("(?:\\.|[^"\\])+"|\S+)/gi
		}, */

		// Files
		// filebits:…
		// filesize:…
			group: 'files',
			id: 'filetype',
			placeholder: 'filetype:…',
			formatter: function ( val ) {
				var types = '';
				val.split( ',' ).forEach( function ( type ) {
					type = $.trim( type ).replace( /\W+/g, '/' ).replace( /^\w*\W+(?=\w{3})/, '' ).toLowerCase();
					switch ( type ) {
						case '':

						// Individual file types with non-standard alternatives
						case 'bitmap':
						case 'image':
						case 'bild':
							types += 'filetype:bitmap';
						case 'audio':
						case 'music':
						case 'musik':
							types += 'filetype:audio';
						case 'drawing':
						case 'vector':
						case 'vektor':
						case 'zeichnung':
							types += 'filetype:drawing';

						// Other known file types
						case 'multimedia':
						case 'office':
						case 'video':
							types += 'filetype:' + type;

						// Individual MIME types with non-standard alternatives
						case 'flac':
							types += 'filemime:audio/flac';
						case 'midi':
						case 'mid':
							types += 'filemime:audio/midi';
						case 'wav':
						case 'wave':
							types += 'filemime:audio/wav';
						case 'jpg':
							types += 'filemime:image/jpeg';
						case 'tif':
							types += 'filemime:image/tiff';
						case 'svg':
						case 'xml':
							types += 'filemime:xml/svg';

						// Other known MIME types
						case 'ogg':
						case 'pdf':
							types += 'filemime:application/' + type;
							types += 'filemime:' + ( /\W/.test( type ) ? type : 'image/' + type );
				} );
				return types;
			requiredNamespace: 6,
			parser: /(?:^| +)\bfile(?:mime|type):(?:\w{3,}\/)?(\w{3,})/gi
			group: 'files',
			id: 'filew',
			placeholder: 'filew:…',
			formatter: function ( val ) {
				return 'filew:' + formatSizeConstraint( val );
			requiredNamespace: 6,
			parser: /(?:^| +)\bfilew(?:idth)?\b:?([<>\d.,]+)/gi
			group: 'files',
			id: 'fileh',
			placeholder: 'fileh:…',
			formatter: function ( val ) {
				return 'fileh:' + formatSizeConstraint( val );
			requiredNamespace: 6,
			parser: /(?:^| +)\bfileh(?:eight)?\b:?([<>\d.,]+)/gi
		/* {
			group: 'files',
			id: 'fileres',
			placeholder: 'fileres:…',
			formatter: function ( val ) {
				return 'fileres:' + formatSizeConstraint( val );
			requiredNamespace: 6,
			parser: /(?:^| +)\bfileres\b:?([<>\d.,]+)/gi
		} */

		// Ordering
		// prefer-recent:…
		// boost-templates:…

		// Meta
		// linksto:…
		// neartitle:…
		// morelike:…

	var i18n = {
		'de': {
			'advanced-search': 'Erweiterte Suchoptionen',

			text: 'Text',
			phrase: 'Genau diese Wortgruppe:',
			fuzzy: 'Ungefähr dieses Wort:',
			not: 'Nicht dieses Wort:',
			hastemplate: 'Nur Seiten mit dieser Vorlage:',
			insource: 'Suche im Wikitext:',

			title: 'Titel',
			prefix: 'Seitentitel beginnt mit:',
			intitle: 'Seitentitel enthält:',

			categories: 'Kategorien',
			deepcat: 'In dieser oder tieferer Kategorie:',
			deepcat2: 'Zweite Kategorie zur Querschnittssuche:',
			incategory: 'Nur direkt in dieser Kategorie:',

			files: 'Dateien',
			filetype: 'Dateien dieses Typs:',
			filew: 'Dateibreite in Pixel:',
			fileh: 'Dateihöhe in Pixel:',
			fileres: 'Diagonalauflösung in Pixel:'
		'en': {
			'advanced-search': 'Advanced search options',

			text: 'Text',
			phrase: 'Exactly this phrase:',
			fuzzy: 'Approximately this word:',
			not: 'Not this word:',
			hastemplate: 'Only pages with this template:',
			insource: 'Search in wikitext source:',

			title: 'Title',
			prefix: 'Page title starts with:',
			intitle: 'Page title contains:',

			categories: 'Categories',
			deepcat: 'In this or deeper category:',
			deepcat2: 'Second category to intersect with:',
			incategory: 'Only in this category:',

			files: 'Files',
			filetype: 'File type:',
			filew: 'File width in pixels:',
			fileh: 'File height in pixels:',
			fileres: 'Diagonal resolution in pixels:'

	 * @param {string} key
	 * @return {string}
	function msg( key ) {
		var lang = mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' );

		return i18n[lang] && i18n[lang][key] || i18n.en[key] || '<' + key + '>';

	 * @param {RegExp|undefined} regexp
	 * @param {string} val
	 * @return {Array|boolean}
	function lastMatch( regexp, val ) {
		var match,
			lastMatch = false;

		while ( regexp && ( match = regexp.exec( val ) ) ) {
			lastMatch = match;

		return lastMatch;

	 * @param {string} fullQuery
	 * @return {string}
	function parseSearchOptions( fullQuery ) {
		[ true, false ].forEach( function ( parseGreedyOptions ) {
			for ( var i = advancedOptions.length; i--; ) {
				var option = advancedOptions[i];

				if ( parseGreedyOptions !== !!option.greedy ) {

				var $field = $( '#advancedSearchOption-' + option.id );

				if ( !$field.length || $.trim( $field.val() ) ) {

				var match = lastMatch( option.parser, fullQuery );

				if ( match ) {
					fullQuery = fullQuery.slice( 0, match.index )
						+ fullQuery.slice( match.index + match[0].length );
					$field.val( trimQuotes( match[1] ) );
		} );

		return $.trim( fullQuery );

	 * @param {string} [fullQuery]
	 * @return {string}
	function formatSearchOptions( fullQuery ) {
		var greedyQuery = '';

		fullQuery = fullQuery || '';

		advancedOptions.forEach( function ( option ) {
			var $field = $( '#advancedSearchOption-' + option.id );

			if ( !$field.length ) {

			var val = $.trim( $field.val() );

			if ( val ) {
				// FIXME: Should fail if there is more than one greedy option!
				if ( option.greedy && !greedyQuery ) {
					greedyQuery += ' ' + option.formatter( val );
				} else {
					fullQuery += ' ' + option.formatter( val );
				$field.val( '' );

				if ( option.requiredNamespace ) {
					$( '#mw-search-ns' + option.requiredNamespace ).prop( 'checked', true );
		} );

		return $.trim( fullQuery + greedyQuery );

	mw.loader.using( [ 'user.options', 'oojs-ui' ], function () {
		// Shorten out if AdvancedSearch extension is enabled as Beta feature
		if ( mw.user.options.get( 'advancedsearch' ) ) {

		var $search = $( 'form#search, form#powersearch' ),
			optionSets = {};

		advancedOptions.forEach( function ( option ) {
			if ( option.enabled && !option.enabled() ) {

			var id = 'advancedSearchOption-' + option.id;

			if ( !optionSets[option.group] ) {
				optionSets[option.group] = [];

				$( '<div>' )
					.css( { display: 'table-row' } )
						$( '<label>' )
							.prop( { 'for': id, title: option.placeholder || '' } )
							.css( {
								display: 'table-cell',
								'text-align': 'right',
								'padding-right': '0.5em',
								width: '23em'
							} )
							.text( msg( option.id ) ),
						$( '<input>' )
							.prop( { id: id } )
							.css( { display: 'table-cell' } )
		} );

		var $allOptions = $( '<fieldset>' )
			.css( {
				background: 'linear-gradient(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), #fff 0.5em)',
				'border-color': '#c8ccd1',
				'border-top': 0,
				'box-sizing': 'border-box',
				margin: 0,
				'margin-top': '-1px',
				'max-width': '50em',
				padding: '0.2em 1em'
			} )

		for ( var group in optionSets ) {
			var $optionSet = $( '<fieldset>' )
				.css( {
					border: 'none',
					'border-top': 'solid 1px #c8ccd1',
					margin: 0
				} )
				.append( $( '<legend>' )
					.css( { color: '#666' } )
					.text( msg( group ) )

			optionSets[group].forEach( function ( $option ) {
				$optionSet.append( $option );
			} );

			$allOptions.append( $optionSet );

		var advancedButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( {
			label: msg( 'advanced-search' )
			// indicator: 'down'
		} ).on( 'click', function () {
			var $searchField = $search.find( 'input[name="search"]' ),
				query = $searchField.val();


			if ( $allOptions.is(':visible') ) {
				// Clean the top-right search box to avoid confusion
				var $topSearchField = $( '#searchInput' );
				if ( $topSearchField.val() === query ) {
					$topSearchField.val( '' );

				query = parseSearchOptions( query );
			} else {
				query = formatSearchOptions( query );
			$searchField.val( query );
		} );

		var $advancedButton = advancedButton.$element.css( {
			clear: 'both',
			display: 'block',
			margin: 0,
			'max-width': '50em',
			'padding-top': '0.3em',
			position: 'relative'
		} );
		$advancedButton.children().css( {
			'background-image': 'url(//de.wikipedia.org/w/load.php?modules=oojs-ui.styles.indicators&image=down)',
			'background-position': '99%',
			'background-repeat': 'no-repeat',
			'background-size': '18px',
			display: 'block',
			'text-align': 'left'
		} );
		$search.append( $advancedButton, $allOptions );

		$search.on( 'submit', function () {
			var $searchField = $( this ).find( 'input[name="search"]' ),
				query = formatSearchOptions( $searchField.val() );

			$searchField.val( query );
			// Copy to the top-right search box for the sake of completeness
			$( '#searchInput' ).val( query );
		} );
	} );

	mw.loader.load( '//de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Benutzer:TMg/advancedSearch.js/namespaceFilters.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript' );
	mw.loader.load( '//de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Gadget-DeepCat.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript' );
} )( mediaWiki, jQuery );