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// apply lower case style and converted umlauts and sz-ligature on comments of lustiger_seth
// (not tested very well.)

function sethsche_schreibung(){
	function lc_replacer(match, offset, string){
		return match.toLowerCase();

	let post_id = "";
	function replaceTextNodes(node){
		if(typeof node === "undefined"){
			if(post_id !== "" && el.nodeType === 3){  // text node
				el.nodeValue = el.nodeValue
					.replace(/(?<!\p{L})\p{Lu}\p{Ll}+(?!\p{L})/gu, lc_replacer)
					.replace(/ä/g, "ae")
					.replace(/ö/g, "oe")
					.replace(/ü/g, "ue")
					.replace(/ß/g, "ss");
			}else{  // recurse
				if(el.nodeType === 1){
					if(post_id === "" && el.id.startsWith("c-Lustiger_seth")){
						post_id = el.id;
					}else if(typeof(el.dataset.mwThreadId) !== "!undefined" && el.dataset.mwThreadId === post_id){
						post_id = "";
